
Bringing the EcoRight together online.

republicEn’s EcoRight Webinar Series is a chance for the republicEn community to gather online to hear from prominent speakers and learn about EcoRight climate news, policy developments, and conservative approaches to solving climate change.

Screenshot from webinar of Dale Strickler

Part 1: BUST or TRUST? The scientific consensus on climate change

February 2025

We join Skeptical Science founder John Cook to look at the history of the 20-year scientific consensus on climate change. How do we know there’s a scientific consensus on climate change? How did we get there?

Screenshot from webinar of Dale Strickler

Part 2: BUST or TRUST? The scientific consensus on climate change

February 2025

We join Skeptical Science founder John Cook to examine the misinformation being used to cast doubt on the scientific consensus and what we can do in response. Q&A included.

Screenshot from webinar of Dale Strickler

UK's Climate Majority Project: Being a Green Conservative

October 2024

How do we ally across political grounds? How can we constructively reflect on problems arising from progressive left dominance of the climate conversation? CMP explores these questions with republicEn’s own Bob Inglis and former UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd.

Screenshot from webinar of Dale Strickler

Glacial: The Inside Story of Climate Politics with Chelsea Henderson

August 2024

republicEn’s own director of editorial content, Chelsea Henderson, wrote a book! Join us as we discuss her role in climate politics, the history of climate change policy, and why this book is so important to the conservative climate movement. Don’t miss the quiz or the Q&A with the audience!

Screenshot from webinar of Dale Strickler

Virtual Town Hall: Getting to Know Iowa Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks

June 2024

Iowa Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks has taken the reins of the House Conservative Climate Caucus as the new Chair. She joins republicEn in a town hall-style virtual meeting as we get to know Rep. Miller-Meeks and hear about her plans for a clean energy future.

Screenshot from webinar of Dale Strickler

Why We're Going to Win On Climate: Realities, Demographics & Policy

February 2024

republicEn’s executive director and former Congressman Bob Inglis gives us an optimistic look into the realities, demographics, and policy on climate change in the upcoming year. Featuring a live Q&A session from our guests.

Screenshot from webinar of Dale Strickler

Driving Climate Change: The En-ROADS Simulation Experience

November 2023

In this highly interactive session, Andrew Jones shows us how to use the En-ROADS global climate simulator, built by Climate Interactive and MIT, to test a wide range of climate solutions, such as electrifying transport, pricing carbon, and improving agricultural practices.

Screenshot from webinar of Dale Strickler

Nuclear Now: Screening & Discussion with Shannon Bragg-Sitton

September 2023

Idaho National Laboratory’s Shannon Bragg-Sitton (who stars in the film Nuclear Now) talks about today’s nuclear power, how it’s different from the nuclear of the past, and what we have to look forward to in the future. Film clips included!

Screenshot from webinar of Dale Strickler

Time To Think Small with Author Todd Myers

April 2023

Todd’s book Time to Think Small: How Nimble Environmental Technologies Can Solve the Planet’s Biggest Problems, released in 2022, outlines how people across the globe are using technology to protect threatened species, reduce CO2 emissions, and stop plastic waste from reaching the ocean.

Screenshot from webinar of Dale Strickler

New Year's Resolution: Making Progress Amidst Division

January 2023

How do we move forward on climate as a united nation when we’re divided about basically everything? Podcasters Sarah Stewart Holland & Beth Silvers of Pantsuit Politics share insight in this lively and sometimes raw look at today’s social climate change psyche.

Screenshot from webinar of Dale Strickler

Talking about climate change during the holidays

November 2022

The republicEn team prepared a fun-filled webinar to address an un-fun but important subject: talking about climate change with friends and family.

Screenshot from webinar of Dale Strickler

Farming for Carbon Capture: Using Cover Crops for Climate Resiliency

June 2022

Professional agronomist Dale Strickler discusses soil regeneration, the science behind soil carbon sequestration, and the pitfalls of American government farm policy.

Catrina Rorke - webinar guest speaker

Leveling the Playing Field: How a U.S. Carbon Border Adjustment Can Reduce Pollution Around the World

February 2022

Catrina Rorke discusses what the CBA mechanism is and how it incentivizes other countries to follow America’s low-carbon lead. 

film screening other side hill jim walls nick johnson

Film Screening + Live Q&A: Other Side of the Hill

September 2021

Jim Walls and Nick Johnson from the film Other Side of the Hill on how rural communities can create solutions that benefit both people and the climate.

Protect the Snow: Winter Athletes Talk About Climate Change

August 2021

Josh Jespersen and Mario Molina on how climate change is impacting outdoor athletes and the winter sports industry.

Unleashing the Texas Energy Renaissance

April 2021

Shannon Caraway on the future of Texas energy and how the state can come out ahead as the nation acts on climate.

Is “Budget Reconciliation” a Path to Climate Action?

February 2021

Alex Flint and Joseph Majkut on what budget reconciliation is and how the new Congress might try to use it to pass climate legislation.

What about Creation Care?

September 2020

Dr. Lindsay Linsky and Pastor Milo Wilson on creation care and why environmental stewardship is an important part of being a Christian.

Climate Chat with Jeff Bridges

May 2020

Jeff Bridges on his documentary Living in the Future’s Past and how we must come together to address climate change.

Living with Wildfire in the Era of Climate Change

February 2020

Dr. Crystal Kolden on what communities are doing in the face of increasing wildfires.

Can Floridians Unite America to Lead on Climate?

September 2019

Carlos Curbelo on Florida’s role in exporting a spirit of bipartisanship for solving climate change.

Climate, Faith, and Texas

May 2019

Dr. Katharine Hayhoe on how her faith drives her passion for science and how climate change is impacting her home state.

The Carbon Tax Bill: 10 Years Later

March 2019

Bob Inglis on how the political landscape has changed since he introduced a carbon tax bill as a congressman in 2009.

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