This week in eco-right climate circles, between the Congressional recess and Independence Day holiday, news was rather thin. But here are two must read suggestions that relate to climate change.
As this town slips into sea, a $48 million rescue runs into obstacles (Bloomberg): For those who say we can’t afford to address climate change, this article shows we can’t afford not to address the impacts. This look into Isle de Jean Charles, Louisiana, the first U.S. town to receive federal funds specifically for relocation efforts due to the impacts of global warming, gives a snapshot of the complicated process of relocating even a small community.
Senators used to excel at lawmaking. Now not so much. Here’s what needs to change (Washington Post): As a self-professed recovering Senate staffer, I admittedly have a fondness (read: bias) for the upper chamber. But with partisanship high, polarized parties, and a reluctance to meet in the middle, not as much lawmaking happens these days. The current situation could make passing a carbon tax an even heavier lift.
Econ 101: Maybe not quite rising to jester level, Energy Secretary Rick Perry visited a coal plant where he gave an impromptu economics lesson: “You put the supply out there and the demand will follow.” Twitter exploded in response.
Pivot of the week: We don’t normally share pieces that aren’t entirely climate focused, but check out our very own Rep. Bob Inglis seamlessly take a conversation with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour from Russia to the eco-right and conservative climate action efforts. Fast forward to the eight minute mark if you want to get to the meat. Watch here.
Hope you and yours had a lovely 4th and a restful break.