EcoRight News Blog

A compilation of news from the EcoRight. 

Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.

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Climate Week En Review: Planting Seeds

Climate Week En Review: Planting Seeds

TGIF, for sure… This post-accidental electric shock therapy week has been one of ups and downs, for sure.

Note to readers: when the doctors say rest, usually they mean it. Hopefully that is what we all have in store for the weekend ahead.

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Climate Week En Review: The Ides of St. Patrick’s Day

Climate Week En Review: The Ides of St. Patrick’s Day

It’s the eve of the Ides of March and St. Patrick’s Day is on Monday. I’m not sure what all this means except the greening of the Chicago River reminds me of the time in college that my roommate and I talked a bartender into giving us a pitcher of beer in exchange for our bottle of green food coloring, which they then poured into everyone’s beers for the evening.

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Climate Week En Review: Churning…

Climate Week En Review: Churning…

Hello, Friday. Hello, last day of February. 

I plan to get into my backyard this week and do some clearing out. The daffodils are poking up and early spring blooms are ready to be uncovered. Hope you get outside this weekend, too.

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EcoRight Speaks, season 10, episode 3, featuring Rewiring America CEO Ari Matusiak

EcoRight Speaks, season 10, episode 3, featuring Rewiring America CEO Ari Matusiak

Welcome to episode 3 of the EcoRight Speaks, featuring Ari Matusiak, co-founder, president and CEO of Rewiring America. He is also the founder and co-chair of Power Forward Communities, a national coalition awarded $2 billion from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to decarbonize and reinvest in American households. He was founding partner of, and is currently a senior advisor to, PVG, a fast-growing consulting firm committed to driving climate solutions that also deliver real economic value at scale.

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Climate Week En Review: EcoRight Love

Climate Week En Review: EcoRight Love

Hey, the cupid tells me that today is a special day. Will you be our EcoRight valentine? Send a shout out (think of it as a love letter) to a lawmaker doing good things on climate change and/or to a member of your community whom you admire.

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