Hello and welcome to the end of another week. On my radar: the Capitol Hill fox, who bit nine people before she was trapped and eventually euthanized. While the part of the story where she had rabies makes me sad, I have to admit that I became almost as fixated on her freedom as I did the Maryland Zebras.

So for those keeping score, that means in the last few years we have seen on Capitol Hill plague, pestilence, riots and rabies. What’s next, dare I ask?


This week’s must read: Climate change could cost the U.S. Budget $2 trillion a year by the end of the century (Reuters) I won’t be around, but my kids might be. “Climate change threatens communities and sectors across the country, including through floods, drought, extreme heat, wildfires, and hurricanes (affecting) the U.S. economy and the lives of everyday Americans,” Candace Vahlsing, an OMB climate and science official, and its chief economist Danny Yagan, said in a blog. “Future damages could dwarf current damages if greenhouse gas emissions continue unabated.”


EcoRight Speaks, season four, episode nine: Kacey Crane

The EcoRight has found its new hype person.

Kacey Crane serves as the Executive Director for the Indiana Conservative Alliance for Energy (ICAE), overseeing the organization’s efforts to advance conservative, market-based clean energy solutions.

Prior to ICAE, Kacey served as the Legislative Affairs Director for the Indiana Department of Transportation. Her experience includes working for Butler University, Faegre Drinker Consulting, and various political campaigns.

Kacey is a proud graduate of Butler University and is working towards her Masters of Public Affairs at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. Kacey is a native Hoosier, currently living in Indianapolis. And, we are co-hosting an event with her, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions, and The Conservation Coalition on April 12th.

Keep listening for more on that event (including how to sign up) and for my conversation with Kacey Crane.

Last week we had no quiz winner! Try your luck again this week for a chance to take home a $25 Amazon gift card!

Coming up next week: Byron Kominek, the founder behind Jack’s Solar Garden, which pairs the benefits of solar energy with agricultural applications. Be sure to tune in!

Last call: Remember that if you’re in the Indianapolis area (or like road trips) we are co-hosting an EcoRight panel on April 12th. Meet our own Bob Inglis and our podcast guest Kacey Crane and other like-minded folks over free drinks and snacks! Register here.

In the wild: Check out (below) one of our EcoRight Leadership Council members, Jacob Abel, hosting Bob with the Cabarrus County GOP. 

Other climate news this week:

  • Methane emissions soared in 2021 (not good… read more here)
  • This month, the Earth’s carbon dioxide levels are likely to hit or exceed 420 parts per million, the highest level seen in over 4 million years (also not good… read more here)
  • Rep. Fred Upton, former chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, is retiring at the end of the Congressional session (sorry… again, not great news. We need lawmakers willing to cross the aisle for bipartisan policy solutions…read more here)
  • The third installment of the latest IPCC report spells doom and gloom, but the good news is: we have the technology we need to do what we need to do (read more here)

I’m going to take my penchant for bad news and hightail it out of your inbox.

Have a good weekend!