And here we are, the last Friday of August, fall so near yet still so far. Readers, I am en route to Maine via the Jersey Shore and will not be in your inboxes next week. Enjoy the last long weekend of summer and see you in September.
But before you go, check out this week’s EcoRight news.

Spotlight on Spokespeople: Our Spokesperson Cindy Burbank was published with a Letter to the Editor in the Fauquier Times. (Since she only appeared in the print edition, we secured their permission to run it on our own blog page.) “We are beyond climate denial. Most Americans, including Republicans and conservatives, recognize that climate change is happening now, is caused at least in part by human activity and poses dramatic risks,” she writes. “Yet many are hanging back, some from aversion to the political shouting about climate change, some from feeling it is hopeless to stop climate change, some on the right with an aversion to “big government” solutions, and many just busy with the demands of their daily lives. To all of you, I would say: We can solve climate change.”

EcoRight Speaks, season 3, episode 5: We find our guests in a variety of ways. Some through our own personal connections. Some of our guests are public figures we admire. This week’s guest was someone our executive director Bob Inglis felt passionate about having on the show. And boy was he right.
Brian Webb is an instructor of Environmental Studies at Houghton College, where he also serves as the Director of the Sustainability Center. In that capacity, he leads the college’s efforts to promote environmental stewardship at an institutional level. This includes overseeing sustainability programming, coordinating with faculty to incorporate sustainability into the curriculum, working with facilities to promote sustainable operations, and directing the college’s efforts to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
All things we can get behind.
He joins me in conversation to talk about the courses he teaches and what led him down his current path. He’s even got a free online course coming up that you might be interested in hearing about. Be sure to listen to the entire episode.
Listeners, do you have a question for Bob Inglis? Now’s your chance to not only pose a question to Bob, but to hear his answer on a future podcast episode. To be part of our Ask Bob Anything segment, open the EcoRight Speaks in Apple Podcasts, give us a 5 star rating, and in the text box, instead of writing a review, plop your question. We will be monitoring and feeding the questions to Bob. Why did he run for Congress? What convinced him the science of climate change is real? What’s his favorite breakfast? Ask your burning question and we will work on the response.
Coming up next week: my friend Mark Fleming, the Southeast Regional Director for the Conservative Clean Energy Network.
This week’s must watch: Ever wonder how carbon pricing works? Check out (or share) this short video from our friends at the Citizens Climate Lobby.
Quote of the week: From our friend Alex Flint at Alliance for Market Solutions.
“What I’m trying to be a part of is an evolution of the politics where conservatives become the leaders on addressing climate change.”
And I’m off… actually, I’m already gone! Enjoy the last week of August and see you back after Labor Day!