Hello, family! It’s that time of year again… my birthday that is. Tomorrow I will be celebrating another turn around the sun by exploring DC’s Christmas Markets, having lunch with my bestie, and then inviting a few friends over for holiday treats and cheer at my home in the evening.
Also, just a programming note, this is our last Week En Review of 2022! We will be back the first week of January with all our thoughts, resolutions, and hopes for the year ahead.
What are you looking forward to? What do you resolve to do—or do better? Share some of your thoughts with us and we might include them in an upcoming podcast!

EcoRight Speaks, season five, episode 16: Indiana Conservative Alliance for Energy’s Reed Davis
Thank you for your patience, listeners, as I recovered from my first (and hopefully only) bout with covid-19!
This week’s guest is Reed Davis, the acting Executive Director of the Indiana Conservative Alliance for Energy, our co-host for a series of Hoosier Happy Hours over the summer and early fall. He will reflect on these events and update us on all the clean energy happenings in Indiana.
The Indiana Conservative Alliance for Energy is comprised of conservative leaders across the state who are prepared to help Indiana lead on new and clean energy development to reach a next level economy, create jobs, and improve the quality of life for all Hoosiers. And Davis, a graduate of Indiana University and a native Hoosier, brings a wealth of campaign experience to his job.
Coming up next week, our traditional season wrap up! We have come to the end of season five (thank you!) and will be in your ears one last time in 2022 with clips of our favorite episodes!
EU approves Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: This week, the European Union parliament struck a deal on a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), a move that has been under consideration for months. A CABM imposes a tariff on imported carbon-intensive goods in order to protect domestic industries that are already less carbon intensive than foreign competitors and to prevent leakage, the phenomenon where industries escape environmental regulation in one country to put up shop in a less stringent nation. There is bipartisan interest in the U.S. following suit. Here’s what Louisiana’s Senator Bill Cassidy had to say in an interview with E&E Daily this week:
“It’s a way to equalize the playing field between countries that are making a commitment to the environment and those that are taking a free ride…I think that’s an externality we should compensate for.”
Other GOP Senators who have been in discussions about the CBAM include Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney and Susan Collins.

WEBINAR (Correction): Register now for our event with Pantsuit Politics
Last week, I erroneously wrote that this event is on January 11th and Angela erroneously made a graphic with the year 2022. (Can you get now why our team is looking forward to a short winter break?) Register now for our event on Thursday, January 12, 2023 at 8pmET! And if you aren’t familiar with the podcast Pantsuit Politics, let me just say it is one of the first podcasts I became a regular listener of, so I’m a huge fan! Get to know them over the next few weeks!
That’s it for me! Have a lovely holiday and happy new year!