And here we are, coming to the end of another year of EcoRight-landia! Be sure to keep eyes on your inbox for my yearly review, coming at you sometime between Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

No one could have predicted how this year turned out, and I feel entirely grateful to my teammates and the EcoRight community for helping get me through it.

Now go catch up on the episodes you have missed of the podcast! 

EcoRight Speaks, episode 26, Neil Chatterjee:

What a fitting way to wrap up the EcoRight Speak’s inaugural season. For our final episode, we feature Neil Chatterjee, a commissioner on the Federal Energy Regulator Commission (FERC), in his words, “the most significant agency you’ve never heard of.”

Commissioner Chatterjee served as FERC Chairman from August 2017 to December 2017 and was again named Chairman on October 24, 2018 to November 5, 2020. Since joining the Commission, Chatterjee has championed several strategic initiatives reflecting his firm commitment to ensuring that FERC regulations and actions reflect changes in today’s energy landscape. And as you will hear in our conversation, he believes FERC should be part of the climate change conversation.

He shares why he thinks FERC has an important role in the energy transition, talks about the sanctity of markets, and we hit on the importance of grid security too. I learned more in this episode than I have from any other guest and I hope you do too!

Links promised in the episode (plus some more of note):

Listeners, we will be back in your ears on January 12, 2021, so mark your calendars for the premier of season two!

LTE of the week: I actually saw this one on Friday, after I’d already sent out last week’s missive. From the Salt Lake Tribune, Climate is a bipartisan issue. “I am proud to be a constituent with Republican leaders in Congress, like Rep. Curtis and Sen. Romney, who are taking the lead to address climate issues in a pragmatic, responsible way,” the writer says in her letter. 

Also from Utah, this week’s must read: Conservative leadership on climate change is a game changer ( Abdiel Vazquez, Chairman of the Utah Young Republicans, writes: “The issue of climate change is no longer a matter of left versus right—and continuing to view it in such a partisan manner will only hurt Republicans’ future electoral chances…As conservatives, now is our chance to ensure that the solutions put forward are ones that will address climate change in a way that actually spurs American innovation, creates jobs, and strengthens our economy. If we do not engage in the conversation happening around this issue today, we will likely forfeit the opportunity to impact the kinds of solutions that are adopted tomorrow.”  

HBD wishes: A very happy 100th birthday to co-father of the carbon dividend plan, former Secretary of State George Shultz!

Congratulations: Our Spokesperson Jacob Abel has been honored by The Conversationalist, a group amplifying the voices of Gen Z, for his work on the environment. We couldn’t be more proud! In 2020 alone, he graduated from Seton Hall University, was published three times for his strong and thoughtful opinion pieces, and has started his career during a pandemic. The EcoRight is so lucky to have him on our team!

It’s all fun and games: If you like the app/website Skeptical Science, we think you’ll love Cranky Uncle. The latest brainchild of Skeptical Science creator and George Mason University scientist John Cook, Cranky Uncle is an app that uses cartoons and critical thinking to fight climate change misinformation. Check it out and go into your holiday zooms with eco-hesitant family members with climate confidence.

Calling all EcoRighters under 30: Speaking of fun and games, given the lack of both those items in person these days, we are co-hosting with our friends from the Citizens Climate Lobby Conservative Caucus a special virtual networking event. Young and conservative and eager to talk to others who feel the same? Mark your calendars for 8pmET on January 8, 2021 and stay tuned for more info. You can also email me to be put on a list of interested participants. 

And that’s a wrap for this week! Check out my Year En Review next week. Until then, all the happiest wishes to you and yours.