
Happy 2018! Welcome to the first update of the new year! We can’t promise this edition will warm you up, but we do resolve to bring you all the best ecoright updates in the year ahead.

This week’s must read: What would Milton Freidman do about climate change? (Deseret News) This op-ed by Bob and RepublicEn.org spokesperson Nick Huey ran over the holidays. “Accountability brings blessings, and the lack of accountability brings havoc. Climate change is the havoc that results from the lack of accountability for emissions,” the write.

Are you wondering how the cold snap squares with climate change? Check out this week’s must watch:

Speaking of the cold spell: Rep. Carlos Curbelo took to Twitter to lash back at President Trump’s assertion that given the frigid weather, we *need* more global warming.

Curbelo’s district in his home state of Florida has been on the front lines of climate impacts.

Green State of the Union: In an annual State of the State address, Vermont Gov. Phil Scott said climate change “continues to have a negative impact” on Vermonters’s “way of life.” “But our fate is not predetermined,” he continued. “Already, so much good work is being done by businesses, utilities, individuals and at the state level with our commitment to clean energy and carbon reduction goals, and our participation in the U.S. Climate Alliance. That’s why I created the Climate Action Commission and will work to move key initiatives forward with these goals in mind. And my administration will work with our partners to make electric vehicles more accessible to all. We need to continue this work in a practical way that ensures all Vermonters benefit: enhancing opportunities, advancing affordability, and protecting the most vulnerable. Because together, we can make a difference.”

Did you miss our Look Back, Moving Forward post recounting our favorite stories of the year and what we look forward to in 2018? In case you did, here it is:

House Climate Solutions Caucus membership doubles: We applaud the aforementioned Curbelo for his leadership in expanding the ranks in this bipartisan climate club. While the GOP members may not all agree on one policy outcome and some are new to embracing the call for climate action, now is the right time to engage, and we welcome the opportunity to cultivate new champions.

Sinking the Perry Amendment: In its first show of strength for the abovementioned Caucus, an amendment offered by Rep. Scott Perry (PA-4) would have killed language in the National Defense Authorization Act geared toward enabling the armed forces to study the potential threat to military installations and war readiness posed by climate change. Led by Caucus members Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL-27) and Rep. Elise Stefanik (NY-21), 46 Republicans voted to kill this bad amendment, which was defeated.

All it takes is courage: In Bob’s ten-week, ten-city tour, one stop stood above the rest. In Omaha, Nebraska, he was joined by retired Air Force general Caucus member Rep. Don Bacon (NE-2) for a rousing discussion of the carbon tax. The visit was reported in the Omaha World-Herald before our proverbial whistle stop crossed the state border, and we are encouraged by the eager crowds awaiting Bob and the overall willingness to learn and lead.

Welcome aboard: The ecoright is growing. We are happy 2017 welcomed the Climate Leadership Council and American Conservation Coalition, groups that are working on outreach in the business community and on college campuses, respectively.

What next? While 2017 was a tough year under any metric, we remain encouraged that in 2018 we can continue to build on the rising tide of conservative support for free enterprise climate action. What are we looking forward to in the upcoming year?

Expanding ranks in the House Climate Solutions Caucus—can we hit 80? 100? We have faith that this group will continue to grow and find opportunities to make a difference.

Hitting the road again for EnCourage Tour 2.0—are we coming to a town near you? Keep your eyes open for our 2018 schedule.

A robust debate on the carbon tax—as the dust settles on the tax bill, will lawmakers give it another look? We aren’t giving up hope yet.

Warmer temperatures—Just kidding! We get the difference between weather and climate.

See you next week!