
This week in climate change, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump met with the Editorial Board of the Washington Post, where they discussed a wide range of national and international issues, including climate change.

Asked: “You think climate change is a real thing? Is there human-caused climate change?” by Fred Hiatt, editor of the editorial page, Trump responded:

“I think there’s a change in weather. I am not a great believer in man-made climate change. I’m not a great believer. There is certainly a change in weather that goes – if you look, they had global cooling in the 1920s and now they have global warming, although now they don’t know if they have global warming. They call it all sorts of different things; now they’re using “extreme weather” I guess more than any other phrase. I am not – I know it hurts me with this room, and I know it’s probably a killer with this room – but I am not a believer. Perhaps there’s a minor effect, but I’m not a big believer in man-made climate change.”

In a follow up question posed by editorial writer Stephen Stromberg, Trump was asked: “Don’t good businessmen hedge against risks?”

“Well I just think we have much bigger risks,” Trump said. “I think our biggest form of climate change we should worry about is nuclear weapons. The biggest risk to the world, to me – I know President Obama thought it was climate change – to me the biggest risk is nuclear weapons. That’s – that is climate change.”

Next up in the pursuit of delegate: the Wisconsin primary is 11 days away.

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