Can you believe it’s the LAST DAY OF MAY? After a slow start, this year is flying by! Summer is upon us, but hopefully the weather stays as temperate as it’s been the last few days for a bit longer…

This week’s must read: The Climate Change Threat to America’s Military (Real Clear Energy) In a piece published on Memorial Day, Mary Anna Mancuso reflects on ways to ensure the safety of men and women serving in our Armed Forces.

“Climate change is, as CNA called it in that 2007 report, acting as a ‘threat multiplier,‘ exacerbating conflicts and humanitarian crises around the globe that require military deployments and intervention,” she writes. “Droughts, famines, mass migration events, and resource shortages are destabilizing regions and fueling extremist groups that our men and women in uniform are being sent to confront. The 2014 Pentagon’s Quadrennial Defense Review described ‘climate change as a threat multiplier that will enable terrorist activity and other forms of violence.‘ This is a report written by military officers and Pentagon officials who understand that we ignore climate change at our own peril.”

EcoRight Speaks, Season 8, Episode 12: Reflections on driving an EV

And now for something a little different…

If you know us, you know by now that our team members are pretty good at embracing those low or lower carbon tools that can help with our personal carbon footprint. Recently, our engagement director, Angela Larck, took her family to the Everglades for spring break. And they decided to rent a car… and rented a Tesla!

ICYMI: Read about Angela’s experience renting a Tesla.

In the email I sen out weekly to our member base, I shared the above-linked blog post Angela wrote about her experience with EVs. A few readers wrote back sharing their thoughts and we got this idea to  build a program around our personal experiences with EVs. The conversation also features friend of the pod, Joel Schroeder from Kansas and our own Bob Inglis!

Have a listen!

Coming up next week, Douglas Tallamy, an American entomologist, ecologist and conservationist and a professor in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware. He’s also the co-founder of Homegrown National Park. You won’t want to miss me geeking out about native plants!

Two weeks from now, we will feature American Conservation Coalition (ACC) founder and author Benji Backer. In the meantime, you can listen to. his appearance on the program Here & Now.

Another must read: 👀

This piece from ACC’s CEO Danielle Butcher Franz makes a strong point: Energy cronyism is not conservative (Washington Examiner)

“Conservatives must return to true small-government leadership, guided by market principles. Those who combat liberal big-government policies with corruption and cronyism have sacrificed our principles.” she writes. “Misguided, pay-for-play attempts to push back against an agenda we oppose not only undermine effective governance but also undermine the very ideals we purport to uphold. Instead, conservatives can champion a principled approach rooted in markets, competition, accountability, and innovation.” 


Coming Soon: Virtual Town Hall 

It’s not too late to register for our town hall next week with the new House Conservative Climate Caucus Chair, Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-Iowa). Help us show her the spirit of the EcoRight!

June 5, 2024 @ 11am ET, 10am CT, 9am MT, 8am PT.

Register here! 

It’s Hurricane Eve

With hurricane season here, and NOAA predicting an above normal level of storm activity, it’s a good time to remember Dr. Katharine Hayhoe’s wise words…

That’s it for me! See you in June!