Happy October! Fall! Spooky season! Sleeping with the windows open! Whatever your pleasure, I hope you enjoy the changing seasons!
This week’s must read: To combat the warming climate, Americans need to emulate the spirit of the ‘Greatest Generation’ (Invading Seas). Our own Bob Inglis is the author of today’s must read.
“Solving climate change is the biggest thing this generation is being called on to do. The first step is to move beyond the grudging compromise of hyper-partisanship and graduate to creative collaboration. Climate change is too big of a problem for small mindedness,” he writes. “If we’re to be another greatest generation, we’ll need to rediscover what they had: a sense of the common good.”

EcoRight Speaks, season 3, episode 10: Rob Sisson
I have been eager to bring this week’s guest to the show to talk about how hunters and anglers feel about climate change. In the end, we talked about so much more. Welcome to the show this week our old friend Rob Sisson. He’s a Michigander. He’s a Montanan. He’s an avid outdoorsman and a commissioner on the International Joint Commission.
We talk about the legacy of Teddy Roosevelt, Rob’s evolution in the conservation space, and even the etymology of the term EcoRight.
Listen and enjoy!
Coming up next week: Former New Jersey Governor and EPA Administrator under President George W. Bush, Christine Todd Whitman.
Don’t forget: Ask Bob Anything is our on-going campaign to address your questions. Head over to Apple Podcasts, give us a rating, and insert your question in the field where you could otherwise write a review. We choose one question each week to read on the air!

ICYMI: Our screening this week of Other Side of the Hill was a success. We had an engaged group of viewers turn out for a thoughtful conversation around how rural communities can play an important role in creating solutions that benefit both people and the climate.
If you missed it, you can watch our post-film discussion below. If you want to host a virtual screening for your community, head over to: othersideofthehillmovie.com.
What is happening in Washington? I know, it’s like watching the longest pingpong match (game?) in history. In case you’re wondering what the deal is with the infrastructure package, budget reconciliation, carbon tax/border adjustment, etc, this update on the classic School House Rock U.S. Government 101 primer will help explain things.
That’s it for me! I’m off to buy some pumpkins, mums, and gourds. See you next week!