This week’s must watch (and share):…

This week’s must read:

It was a busy week in ecoright climate news…

The highlights: red stars went out to Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL).

Appearing at an event held at Bowdoin College in her home state of Maine, Sen. Collins told the audience she believes human activity contributes to climate change. “First of all, let me say that I believe that climate change is clearly occurring, and I believe that humans are part of the problem,” she said to applause. “I also believe there are natural variations in climate over time, but clearly human activity has exacerbated the problem.” Addressing climate change “is going to require a global approach,” she said. “We are not the sole emitter.” She cited a number of actions individuals can take to “make a difference” including driving more fuel efficient cars and using LED lightbulbs. “But ultimately it’s going to require government action as well.”

Rep. Curbelo wrote in an op-ed published in the Miami Herald that efforts to combat climate change should rise above partisan politics. “To view climate change through partisan lenses only detracts from efforts to discover practical solutions. This debate should not devolve into a petty competition between Republicans and Democrats,” Curbelo writes. “Instead, it should consist of a constructive dialogue focusing on the implementation of policies that encourage the growth and development of clean alternative energy sources that will complement traditional ones.”

Now the not good news….

Rep. Walter “Mike” Hill, who represents the 2nd district in the Florida State House of Representatives, told a forum earlier this week that he believes in climate change. “It’s called summer, winter, spring, and fall,” he said. “It’s not anthropogenic. It’s not manmade.” He added that he believes the climate is only impacted by two forces: “our sun and our oceans. Me driving my car to work is not changing our climate.” Likewise, Sen. Ron Johnson downplayed the impacts of climate change, saying “civilization thrives” in warmer weather.

At an event held at the University of Richmond, North Dakota Rep. Kevin Cramer, who advises Donald Trump on energy policy, said the “vast majority of Americans are neither climate deniers nor climate worshippers,” while acknowledging most Americans favor a reduction in carbon emissions. “I think there’s plenty of room for compromise, technological advancement, discussion about how to do that,” Cramer added. He said he didn’t think anyone believes “fewer emissions is a bad idea, but I don’t share in this alarmism.” Meanwhile, Trump took to the radio waves to unleash on what an eyesore wind turbines present. “Half of them are broken,” he asserted. “They’re rusting and rotting. You know, you’re driving into Palm Springs, California and it looks like a poor man’s version of Disneyland. It’s the worst thing you’ve ever seen.”

Ending on a high note, the Washington State carbon tax ballot initiative garnered new conservative support. And toward that end, former George H.W. Bush economic adviser Gregory Mankiw made the case for a carbon tax on the PBS show Making Sen$e.

Phew, that is a lot of news! You can always check out our Climate Eye alert page if you want the details. In the meantime, have a good weekend carving pumpkins.