
Happy October! Happy Friday and welcome to Week En Review.

This week’s must watch: This is all just part of the natural cycle, right? (H/T to Katharine Hayhoe and her great tutorials.)

Caucus hits 60!: The House Climate Solutions Caucus added two more members, hitting the major 60 mark. Rep. Mimi Walters (R-CA-45) is the latest and 30th Republican to join ranks. Earlier this year, Walters helped vote down an anti-climate amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act.

Baker sells insurance: Former Secretary of State James A. Baker made a renewed push for a revenue-neutral carbon tax in a speech to conservatives late last week. “If properly implemented, the plan would substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions; at the same time, it would also substantially eliminate sometimes onerous regulations that are a hallmark of our current energy policy,” Baker said. “By combining these two elements, the plan represents a good-faith effort, I think, to move beyond the rancorous debate that is surrounding today the issue of global climate change, and the need to find such a compromise solution is quite acute.” His plan, predicated upon repeal of existing Environmental Protection Agency regulations intended to reduce carbon emissions, is designed to attract bipartisan support without growing the size of the federal government. “The carbon tax we propose would help steer the United States toward a path of more durable economic growth by encouraging technological innovation and large-scale substitution of existing energy sources. It would also provide much-needed regulatory relief to American industries.”

Americans support action: In a new survey conducted by The AP-NORC Center and the Energy Policy Institute at The University of Chicago, 61 percent of Americans say climate change is a problem the federal government should address, including a majority of Republicans. The poll also looked at the economics and how much Americans are willing to pay each month toward climate policies.

Shake, shake, shake: A little known secret, your ClimateEye rover has a fear of flying. Any jolt of turbulence leads to a litany of silent prayers, chanting, and white knuckles thus the recent report predicting a severe increase in turbulence (181 percent increase over North America) due to climate change by 2050 to 2080 is frightening.

Quote/Tweet of the week: At a meeting of the board of the National Mining Association, Energy Secretary Rick Perry said coal is “fighting back” and burning “cleaner than ever.”

. @SecretaryPerry at Trump’s hotel: ‘Coal is fighting back,’ via @HMNorthey and @geofkoss https://t.co/d5JzGrCboE
— Dylan Brown (@DylanBrown26) October 4, 2017

Hope your weekend is full of fall colors, apple cider, and your favorite fall activities. See you next week!