It’s hard to believe that today is the 19th anniversary of 9/11, a day I still remember so clearly. Hug your loved ones and remember the kindness we exhibited toward each other on this tragic day.

Remembering Ted Halstead 🌍

Hearts are heavy at team upon learning of the untimely death of Climate Leadership Council founder and CEO Ted Halstead, who died in a hiking accident last week.

From his TED talk in 2017 to his relentless pursuit of the Baker-Shultz carbon dividends plan, he worked to spread the word on free market approaches to climate change and to drum up conservative support.

From our Executive Director Bob Inglis: “This is such shocking and terrible news. I’m so sorry for Ted’s family and for the Climate Leadership Council team. It’s such a jarring reminder of the wisdom of Psalm 90:12: ‘Teach us to number our days.’ Last week, we were laboring alongside Ted and the wonderful team he gathered for this most vital work. This week, he’s gone. We commit ourselves to laboring on—striving to fulfill the vision we shared.” Part of the team Ted assembled included our dear friend Kiera O’Brien, who looked to him as a mentor.

We promise to continue the good work he spearheaded.

The EcoRight Speaks hits 🍀13th episode🍀: I am not superstitious. Okay, yes I am. But it would have been weird to take a hotel floor numbering approach to this podcast and try to tell you this is episode 14 when we all know it’s lucky 13.

Kicking off our 13th episode is Washington Examiner energy and climate reporter Joshua Siegel. My job would be a lot harder without Josh’s daily reporting on climate change and clean energy from a conservative perspective. He scoops the center right news that isn’t always reported in other outlets—or at least not as quickly. I rely on his and Abby Smith’s Daily On Energy email and I encourage you to subscribe.

In the second segment, I chat with Florida State Rep. Holly Raschein, who lives in and represents Southern Florida and is passionate about finding solutions to solve climate change. She caught my attention with an op-ed she co-authored with a Democratic colleague in January, in which they extol the Florida Climate and Resiliency Research Program, a program their bill would create to address resilience needs. Holly describes to listeners the intent of this program and we cover the Everglades and stray cats, too.

Have you given us a 5-⭐ rating yet? Head over to Apple Podcasts to tap out a quick rating and even a one-line review that Price Atkinson will read on the air.

Coming up next week: My conversation with Rep. Gary Clary, a retired judge and current member of the South Carolina House of Representatives. He’s definitely EcoRight and while he’s leaving office at the end of the term, we know he won’t be leaving the climate fight. 

This week’s must read: Restoring Conservative Leadership on Climate (Daily Camera) I’m always on the lookout for fresh voices, and I hope to bring you more from Citizens Climate Lobby Conservative Fellow Kelsey Grant in the future. She co-authored this recent op-ed, which notes:  “Stewarding, protecting, and conserving what is good. These are conservative values. Those same values are best equipped to tackle the climate problem. Those values can pave the path toward an innovation-led, robust, low-carbon economy and future that works for everyone.” (Spoiler: I’m currently working to get her on the podcast.)

Quote of the week: Unfortunately, time for taking strong action to decarbonize is short, and the time to act is now unless we are comfortable condemning future generations to a future of conflict, chaos, and reduced prosperity.”—Former Florida Rep. Carlos Curbelo, in conversation with the Alliance for Market Solutions. Did you miss his episode of the EcoRight Speaks? You can always go back and listen or revisit past episodes.

Readers, this week has felt exceptionally tough. Be well.