Yes, friends, it’s winter love for the entire month of December. In the DC Metro area, we were teased with the promise of a dusting of snow this week, but alas, not a snowflake fell. Still, I remain hopeful (if pessimistic) about the chances for a white Christmas.
Quote of the week:
“I’m still optimistic we will add a polluter fee to the Build Back Better legislation here in the Senate, something that will both generate needed revenue and allow us to lock arms with our allies.”
Not by an EcoRighter, but a friend of the EcoRight, Delaware Senator Chris Coons, who reached across the aisle to co-found the Climate Solutions Caucus with Senator Mike Braun.

EcoRight Speaks, season 3, episode 18: Renee Lertzman
Did you come back from Thanksgiving break feeling anxious about the climate crisis? If so, do I have the episode for you!
Renee Lertzman is an internationally recognized thought leader and adviser, who works with governments, businesses, philanthropic, and non-governmental sectors to design strategies suited for the uniquely challenging nature of environmental psychology. Her skills and insight are what we need more of in the world in light of our shared effort to fight climate change, and the ensuing stress that comes with that challenge. I’ve been personally feeling a great deal of climate anxiety lately, which has professional ramifications since I work on climate change for a living, and Renee shares advice for how to channel those feelings into meaningful action and mobilization at scale, which is what we need to solve climate change and alleviate the stress that comes with the urgency to act.
Also, her TED Talk on how to turn climate anxiety into action is one of the best I’ve ever watched and is definitely worth your time after you listen to the show. I’ve linked it below so you have no excuse but to watch… go ahead… I’m waiting!
And while we are on the subject of TED talks, Bob Inglis was on the TED Radio Hour. (Fun fact: my phone blew up with texts from people who heard it.) Give Bob a listen and let his words inspire you.
Coming up next week: Our last guest of the season! Join us for Weather Geeks host and University of Georgia professor Marshall Shepherd. Then mark your calendars for the last episode of the season/year, our Best of Season Three episode on December 21!

Calling all writers: Our friends at the American Conservation Coalition (ACC) are hosting an op-ed contest that begins next Wednesday, December 15. The winner will have their op-ed placed in a major national publication; submissions will not be due until well after the holidays at the end of January 2022.
And that’s it for me! I am leaning into the holiday season by taking a wreath-making class on Saturday (stay tuned to see if I make anything worth photographing) and dreaming of snow. See you next Friday!