Hello and welcome back from your Thanksgiving break. Did you come back feeling anxious about the climate crisis? If so, do I have the episode for you!
Renee Lertzman is an internationally recognized thought leader and adviser, who works with governments, businesses, philanthropic, and non-governmental sectors to design strategies suited for the uniquely challenging nature of environmental psychology. Her skills and insight are what we need more of in the world in light of our shared effort to fight climate change, and the ensuing stress that comes with that challenge. I’ve been personally feeling a great deal of climate anxiety lately, which has professional ramifications since I work on climate change for a living, and Renee shares advice for how to channel those feelings into meaningful action and mobilization at scale, which is what we need to solve climate change and alleviate the stress that comes with the urgency to act.
Also, her TED Talk on how to turn climate anxiety into action is one of the best I’ve ever watched and is definitely worth your time after you listen to the show. I’ve linked it below so you have no excuse but to watch… go ahead… I’m waiting!
Coming up next week: Weather Geeks host and University of Georgia professor Marshall Shepherd.