Didn’t get eclipse glasses before they sold out? No worries, our news wrap won’t blind you.

Meet the rising ecoright: This Politico story—More GOP lawmakers bucking their party of climate change—profiles the surge of GOP support for climate action. Rep. Carlos Curbelo expresses confidence that “the vast majority of House Republicans are shifting toward accepting the science and openness toward at least modest policy prescriptions.”

Coal in all our stockings? Taxpayer watchdog groups and free marketers alike speculate whether Trump’s rhetoric on coal will result in fiscal policy to boost the sagging industry. “If coal is to be the dominant objective and preserving coal jobs is to be a major goal of the national government, it is not going to happen with free-market policies,” said Eli Lehrer, president of the R Street Institute. “Since he doesn’t show any signs of being a free-marketer, one will expect that he will at least try to subsidize coal. That’s what I expect him to do.”

Trump disbands climate panel: President Donald Trump has decided to disband a 15-person Advisory Committee for the Sustained National Climate Assessment, a panel of academics, local officials and corporate leaders. Under Congressional mandate, the National Climate Assessment is supposed to release a report every four years. The most recent draft has been the subject of speculation, but NOAA’s communications director said in an email “this action does not impact the completion of the Fourth National Climate Assessment, which remains a key priority.”

That’s your manic Monday news. Hopefully see you tomorrow with more updates.