Floridians FTW!

This week’s episode, I chat with Ben Lowe, currently a PhD student at the University of Florida whose work and research bridges the human, religious and ethical dimensions of climate change and conservation. He came to me via Mary Anne Inglis, wife of our Executive Director, Bob Inglis, and listeners, I’m ready to make her the podcast booking agent because Ben is a riveting guest.

Ben is affiliated with organizations such as A Rocha and Young Evangelicals for Climate Action and I was really moved by his description of his faith driving his climate and environmental interests.

Check him out and let us know what you think!

Coming up next week… I’m eager to share two of our newest spokespeople, two incredible women with fantastic careers and a love of the outdoors. Nicole Kirchhoff owns a marine fish hatchery in Florida and Casey Hirschmann is a chemical engineer working in the oil and gas industry. Don’t miss it!