EcoRight News Blog
A compilation of news from the EcoRight.
Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.
Utah makes strides
The Beehive State has done a 180 over where it was ten years ago. In 2010, the Utah state legislature passed a resolution denying climate change. But that position started to unravel over the last...
DeSantis needs new climate czar
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis needs a new climate czar. After serving less than six months in the first-in-the-nation role, Florida's first chief resilience officer, Julia Nesheiwat, is leaving her post...
Hello, Monday! What’s up?
What's newsy today, you ask? Reader beware: This report from the BBC on misinformation on Twitter caught our eye. According to a study conducted by Brown University, "a quarter of posts about...
Climate Week En Review, February 21, 2020
As you read this, I'm touring a college campus with my first born, who is 100 percent going to leave me in the fall. Hold on, I have something in my eye...?? ?Utah College Republicans, activate:...
Climate Week En Review: Valentine’s Edition
????Happy Valentines Day, Dear Reader! ???? Thank you for continuing to tune in to this diary of EcoRight activity. My heart is full of appreciation for you and the good work we do together. All the...
House GOP rolls out carbon capture bills
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, flanked by Rep. Garret Graves and other clean energy allies, rolled out the first tranche of GOP climate bills, intended at carbon capture, one of the tools for...
LTE of the week: Senators bridge partisan divide to work on climate
We love seeing our spokespeople published so three cheers for Tyler Gillette and his Letter to the Editor (LTE) that ran today in the Columbus Dispatch thanking Senator Rob Portman for joining the...
Climate Week En Review, February 7, 2020
What a week, huh? I think we could all stand a little humor. So I'm here to report that the Groundhog did not see his shadow, meaning early spring. Because we all trust small mammals to make...
Florida’s chief science officer calls for emissions reduction
The state's first ever Chief Science Officer, Thomas Frazer, a University of Florida professor with a Ph.D. in biological sciences, spoke about the need to reduce carbon emissions as well as to...
Manic Monday, redux
Some Mondays mornings take longer than others to wade through the climate change news articles/essays that ran over the weekend. Today was one of those daysand I promise I wasn't distracted by...
Climate Week En Review, January 31, 2020
Happy last day of January, the month that both flew by and dragged on. Onward to February and an extra day (leap year!) to do good work Youth demand action: Newsflash: young conservatives want...
Utah Rep launches #CurtisClimateChat
Utah Rep. John Curtis, who represents the 3rd district, launched a Twitter conversation on climate change, which he will hold every couple of days. Starting a new weekly series, #CurtisClimateChat....