EcoRight News Blog

A compilation of news from the EcoRight. 

Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.

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Utah makes strides

Utah makes strides

The Beehive State has done a 180 over where it was ten years ago. In 2010, the Utah state legislature passed a resolution denying climate change. But that position started to unravel over the last...

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Hello, Monday! What’s up?

Hello, Monday! What’s up?

What's newsy today, you ask? Reader beware: This report from the BBC on misinformation on Twitter caught our eye. According to a study conducted by Brown University, "a quarter of posts about...

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Manic Monday, redux

Manic Monday, redux

Some Mondays mornings take longer than others to wade through the climate change news articles/essays that ran over the weekend. Today was one of those days—and I promise I wasn't distracted by...

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