
Voters from both parties support federal climate change action, according a national survey sponsored by Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions, R Street Institute, Young Conservatives for Energy Reform, ConservAmerica, the Conservation Leadership Council, OpportunityUS, the Niskanen Center, republicEn and the Citizens’ Climate Lobby. The poll found that 75 percent of voters polled believe that energy policy should be a priority, with 64 percent of Republicans regard development of renewable resources as a high priority. The strongest support for clean energy action came from millennials aged 24 to 35.

“It’s clear that likely voters in both parties are prepared to support candidates who present a detailed clean energy policy agenda,” said James Dozier, Executive Director of Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions. “Voters clearly view clean energy as a way to bolster domestic job creation, strengthen our national security, and ensure clean air and water for communities across America.” The survey found that fifty-five percent of all voters are more likely to support a candidate who believes human activity contributes to climate change and even more critical, 65 percent overall are less likely to support a candidate who believes climate change is a hoax.

The survey was conducted in mid-June and polled 1000 registered voters likely to vote in the November election.