
The American Conservation Coalition, founded by Benji Backer out of his frustration with the environmental policies (or lack thereof) of the national party infrastructure, is working with college campuses to rally young conservatives around free-market solutions to environmental problems. “Knowing a lot of young conservatives who felt left behind in these issues, I realized that there needed to be an organization to represent young conservatives who believed in pro-environmental values,” Backer said in an interview with Yale Climate Connections. “Looking back at history, Republicans and conservatives were environmental stewards and made a lot of the great decisions in terms of environmental policies.”

Check out this pie chart:

Backer notes that “climate discussions have only revolved around big government solutions, for the most part. And if you’re a conservative and you hear that, you get turned away from that issue which is just too bad because there are so many other alternatives.” At republicEn.org, we are already getting to know this ardent EcoRight leader, and we look forward to praising more of his accomplishments.