
I know that change can be scary, which is why when our communications director (and podcast producer extraordinaire) Price Atkinson announced he was leaving to take on an exciting new opportunity, I felt gutted.

For 16 years, both in Congress and here at republicEn.org, Price has worked for Bob Inglis, a testament not only to Price’s loyalty but to what kind of boss Bob is. (Spoiler: a great one.)

We will miss Price but know that some things last forever, like connections to people. And y’all, he’s still going to help with the podcast, so you can still hear us banter week after week.

We wish him well in his new endeavors and we wish his family well in their new home. (Yes, he moved homes and jobs the same week!)

Taking on some of Price’s work, especially on the event coordination side, is Atticus Edwards. We welcome him with open arms!











Go, fight, win, team!

Quote of the week:

“I think it is a breakthrough,” Senator Bill Cassidy told Axios of the climate and trade task force recently announced by POTUS. The task force, he said, is a sign of “a bipartisan convergence that we need to address this.”

EcoRight Speaks, Season 8, Episode 9: Supervisor Andres Jimenez

Hello, and happy halfway point in the season! This week’s guest comes to us via our friend (and past guest) in Florida, Brendan Shuler, who has his fingers on the pulse of a vast network of people acting on climate change.

Andres Jimenez serves as Supervisor for Fairfax County’s Mason District. Born in Bogota, Colombia, Andres is the first Latino to serve on Fairfax County’s Board of Supervisors for Mason District, where he has lived  for 12 years.

As the father of two young girls, Andres is passionate about protecting our climate so future generations can not just survive, but thrive. That passion launched his career in environmental protection, eventually landing him as Green 2.0’s first full-time Executive Director. Andres also served as Senior Director of Government Affairs at Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL), where he advocated for legislative environmental protection at the Congressional level. He used his experiences as a strategic planner and relationship builder to champion innovative solutions while Associate Director of Government Relations at the Ocean Conservancy, tackling tough issues like ocean acidification and sustainable fisheries.

First, let me just say, he is one of the nicest people I have ever interviewed. We talk about how important local engagement is in the collective effort to solve climate change.

That conversation is linked below!

Coming up next week, Western Washington State sophomore, CCL/ACC volunteer, and future Congressional staffer and think tank researcher, Conor Lincoln.

This week’s must read: To our next governor: Think eco…industrial eco (Indianapolis Business Journal)

Our friend George Gemelas wrote this op-ed on “industrial ecology, a niche yet  emerging field” he studied in college.

From his piece:

It sees industrial production as an interconnected ecosystem, identifying excess energy, water and materials from industrial plants, viewing them not as waste but as resources, and then finding economic actors who can use them. This resource-exchange strategy cuts pollution, increases savings and creates new business opportunities along the way. It’s the embodiment of both “one man’s trash is another’s treasure” and “leave no trace.”

(Video killed) the radio star:

(Sorry, you know my gen x brain made me do it…and if this song isn’t stuck in your head the rest of the day, I will be disappointed.)

Bob made a recent appearance of the KC Ingram Show and we encourage you to take a listen!

On that note, I’m off to enjoy a rainy weekend, maybe some biking, definitely some gardening!