EcoRight News Blog
A compilation of news from the EcoRight.
Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.
Climate Week En Review: October 20, 2023
This has been a week... and since I have a tendency to overshare, I'm going to tell you about my cat, Fang, who was diagnosed with diabetes this week. I know there are much more serious things...
EcoRight Speaks: Season 7, Episode 10: the hosts of Green Tea Party Radio
Today’s guests are the founders and hosts of Green Tea Party Radio, which I recommend you check out. Zach Torpie and Katie Zakrzewski—sadly not joined by their partner Hannah Rogers, who was ill at...
Climate Week En Review: October 13, 2023
Happy Friday the 13th! And a belated happy birthday to our very own Bob Inglis, who celebrated another turn around the sun earlier this week! This week's must read: First it was coffee. Then...
EcoRight Speaks, Season Seven, Episode Nine: author Bruce Piasecki
It's always great to talk to a fellow author, and as you will see, Dr. Bruce Piasecki and I had a lot to talk about, starting with his upcoming book, Wealth and Climate Competitiveness, which will...
Climate Week En Review: October 6, 2023
It's been quite the week, huh? Definitely no shortage of interesting news to follow. On that note, let's cut to the EcoRight chase! This week's must read: My Fellow Republicans, It's Time To Grow Up...
EcoRight Speaks, Season Seven, Episode Nine: former FERC chair Neil Chatterjee
This week's guest is a long-time energy policy expert. Currently a senior advisor for Hogan Lovells, Neil Chatterjee is a former Commissioner and Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission...
Climate Week En Review: September 29, 2023
Hi and happy Friday! It's me again, here with your favorite weekly newsletter. Wishing everyone the best weekend with crisp (dry) fall weather and PSLs. This week's must read: Grassroots...
EcoRight Speaks, Season Seven, Episode Eight, healthcare professionals Amanda Blanchet and Ethan Sims
An EcoRight Speaks first: doctors! On this show, we have talked a lot about the health of the planet and the impacts of climate change on the natural environment. But today, I’m in discussion with...
Climate Week En Review: September 22, 2023
Buckle up, folks, it's Friday and if you're in the DMV, it's going to be a rainy and windy one. (This will save me many hours of gardening work because my paper yard waste bags will get soaked and...
EcoRight Speaks, Season Seven, Episode Seven: Climate Marketing Exec, John Marshall
What messages work and what messages don't? That's the topic of discussion today with Potential Energy Coalition founder and long-time marketing expert John Marshall, who started applying his...
Climate Week En Review: September 15, 2023
It's the Ides of September (is that a thing?) and Hurricane Lee is going to make direct landfall in Down East Maine... the first hurricane to do so since 1991. But the weather is going to be great...
EcoRight Speaks, Season Seven, Episode Six: National Clean Energy Week Chair, Heather Reams
Today’s guest is way overdue for an appearance on the show. Heather Reams is the president of Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions, a right-of center non-profit organization based in...