EcoRight News Blog
A compilation of news from the EcoRight.
Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.
Renting a Tesla Was the Worst Decision of the Trip – And That’s a Good Thing
My ten-year-old son has been obsessed with Teslas for years. Not because he thinks they’re going to save the planet but because he thinks they’re fast, look cool, and can drive themselves. So when he picked one out as our rental car for a recent trip to the Florida Everglades, I asked, “Why not?” I work in promoting clean energy. It may be time to figure out what these cars are all about. Turns out, it was the worst decision of our entire trip – and that’s a good thing.
Climate Week En Review: May 10, 2024
Hello and truly happy Friday! If you’re the type who opens emails as you receive them, I am just meeting up with my son, who is graduating from college on Saturday! So excuse me while I have a proud momma moment! (Except poor guy doesn’t have a job; the one he was offered fell through and he’s in a scramble. If you know anyone looking to hire an excellent researcher/writer—or any sort of entry level position with a chance to learn on the job—let’s talk!)
EcoRight Speaks, Season 8, Episode 10: WWU student and ACC/CCL volunteer, Conor Lincoln
When our Executive Director Bob Inglis is on the road, he often meets people whom he comes back and suggests for the podcast. In the case of this week’s guest, he may have delivered someone who is most likely going to change the world.
Climate Week En Review: May 3, 2024
I know that change can be scary, which is why when our communications director (and podcast producer extraordinaire) Price Atkinson announced he was leaving to take on an exciting new opportunity, I felt gutted.
EcoRight Speaks, Season 8, Episode 9: Supervisor Andres Jimenez
Hello, and happy halfway point in the season! This week’s guest comes to us via our friend (and past guest) in Florida, Brendan Shuler, who has his fingers on the pulse of a vast network of people acting on climate change. Andres Jimenez serves as Supervisor for Fairfax County’s Mason District. Born in Bogota, Colombia, Andres is the first Latino to serve on Fairfax County’s Board of Supervisors for Mason District, where he has lived for 12 years.
Climate Week En Review: April 26, 2024
Friday, April 26, aka the day I get to meet Angela Larck in person! We are quite a decentralized organization with team members in the DC metro area, Ohio, and South Carolina. Angela has been our engagement director for more than two years, but we have not yet met in person. That changes today! She’s going to be in Baltimore, about 45 minutes from my house. As you’re reading this, we are probably chatting away! Stay tuned for photographic evidence in next week’s newsletter!
EcoRight Speaks, Season 8, Episode 8: Tucker Perkins, host of Path to Zero podcast
Tucker Perkins is the host of the podcast Path to Zero (spoiler: it always feels a little stressful to interview another podcast host… the pressure is really on to nail it) and he’s also the President and CEO of Propane Education and Research Council (PERC), a nonprofit which invests in the research and development of propane-powered innovations, educates consumers about propane, and promotes the safe, efficient use of propane through safety training and education programs.
Climate Week En Review: April 19, 2024
TGIF! On Saturday, I bought myself a gravel bike, which means I can’t wait to get out and ride this weekend! I hope that whatever you’re inspired to do brings you joy.
Poll Results: Teddy, Our Hero
We asked, “If you could pick any historical conservative figure to be your “weather buddy” for a day to discuss climate change and its effects, who would it be?” Choices included Theodore Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, John McCain, and Margaret Thatcher, as well as a write-in option. Theodore Roosevelt was our clear winner, with 56% of the vote, followed by John McCain with 18%. Write-ins included former U.S. Secretary George Schultz, Jesus Christ, Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan, and both George Bushes.
EcoRight Speaks, Season 8, Episode 7: ESG expert Dora Lutz
This week’s podcast guest came to me serendipitously. I have long wanted to have a guest on the show break down ESGs for us. And I love having women as guests. Talking to a contact of mine, she mentioned her friend, Dora Lutz, an ESG expert, and I pounced at the opportunity to be connected.
Climate Week En Review: April 12, 2024
I’m back from an incredible ten-day trip to Jordan where I rode a bike 270km along the Jordan Bike Trail. It was the hardest physical challenge I’d ever set for myself but so exhilarating. I saw beautiful landscapes, met incredible people, slept in a tent (twice) and walked away feeling like I know myself better. If anyone wants more details about my trip, do reach out!
EcoRight Speaks, Season 8, Episode 6: ecologist, reclamation expert Mike Curran
This week’s guest is ecologist Dr. Michael Curran, who owns and operates Abnova Ecological Solutions. A Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner (CERP) and Certified Wildlife Biologist (CWB), he received both the top M.S. and top Ph.D. Student Award in the country by the American Society of Reclamation Sciences upon completing his graduate degrees. He developed techniques to improve reclamation & restoration monitoring and also pioneered the use of spatially-explicit dashboards to rapidly report reclamation monitoring results, allowing for informed decision making and easy-to-interpret data. Mike worked with 26 oil & gas companies in reporting reclamation and restoration data to the US Fish & Wildlife Service’s Conservation Efforts Database prior to the 2015 Endangered Species Act listing decision of the Greater sage-grouse and was acknowledged by the USFWS for the importance of his contributions.