Climate Week En Review: Bye January

Climate Week En Review: Bye January

Hello from deep in my sourdough era, with my third trial loaf currently in its rather long rising period. What am I doing wrong? Is my house too cold? (Probably.) Am I over kneading? (Unlikely.) If you have a foolproof recipe that doesn’t require singing the...
Climate Week En Review: April 19, 2024

Climate Week En Review: April 19, 2024

TGIF! On Saturday, I bought myself a gravel bike, which means I can’t wait to get out and ride this weekend! I hope that whatever you’re inspired to do brings you joy. This week’s must read: Young rural conservatives voters want clean energy.  GOP...
Climate Week En Review: March 22, 2024

Climate Week En Review: March 22, 2024

TGIF! Cherry blossoms are peaking, the NCAA tournament is in full swing, and spring is here. As are my allergies. Is it December yet? This week’s must read:  Conservatives Should Own the Climate Issue (Newsweek) From Drew Bond, President and CEO, Conservative...