Climate Week En Review: Bye January

Climate Week En Review: Bye January

Hello from deep in my sourdough era, with my third trial loaf currently in its rather long rising period. What am I doing wrong? Is my house too cold? (Probably.) Am I over kneading? (Unlikely.) If you have a foolproof recipe that doesn’t require singing the...
Climate Week En Review: May 24, 2024

Climate Week En Review: May 24, 2024

It’s long weekend eve! If you’ve opened this email before setting out for a 3-day weekend, I am honored. If you’re catching up after the fact, I am honored. This week’s must read: Political multitasking — Addressing China, our debt, and climate...
Climate Week En Review: April 12, 2024

Climate Week En Review: April 12, 2024

I’m back from an incredible ten-day trip to Jordan where I rode a bike 270km along the Jordan Bike Trail. It was the hardest physical challenge I’d ever set for myself but so exhilarating. I saw beautiful landscapes, met incredible people, slept in a tent...