EcoRight News Blog
A compilation of news from the EcoRight.
Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.
Guest Post: Climate change threatens winter sports
Last year I was fortunate (thanks to my republicEn colleagues' blessing) to work the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. And last week I wrapped up a week and a half helping out at the Lake Placid 2023...
Climate Week En Review: January 27, 2023
Hello from Maine! I've been here for two snowstorms, an ice storm, and so many miles of running in the cold. I'm in my element here but next week will find me back at my usual perch. This week's...
Climate Week En Review: January 20, 2023
Why is it that the weeks when we had Monday off sometimes feel the longest? Anyway, here we are. The weekend is here. I'm ready for a cozy weekend in front of the fireplace. Hoping your vibes are as...
Climate Week En Review: January 13, 2023
TGIF! What a busy week we've had. Between our very successful webinar last night featuring the podcasters behind Pantsuit Politics to several press mentions by our own Bob Inglis, everyone has hit...
Climate Week En Review: January 6, 2023
Happy New Year! I hope that this start to 2023 finds you feeling energized for the year ahead. There is much work to do, but in our typical style, we hope to make it fun and fulfilling as well. This...
EcoRight Speaks: Season Five Wrap!
As is our usual practice, this last episode of the season is a look back, compiling clips from our favorites. If you listened to our 100th episode and are afraid this will be repetitive, fear not....
Climate Week En Review: December 16, 2022
Hello, family! It's that time of year again... my birthday that is. Tomorrow I will be celebrating another turn around the sun by exploring DC's Christmas Markets, having lunch with my bestie, and...
EcoRight Speaks, season 5, episode 16 (102): Reed Davis, Indiana Conservative Alliance for Energy
Thank you for your patience, listeners, as I recovered from my first (and hopefully only) bout with covid-19! Today’s guest is Reed Davis, the acting Executive Director of the Indiana Conservative...
Climate Week En Review: December 9, 2022
Hello and happy Friday! Thanks to all who reached out with healing wishes last week. I'm slowly gaining strength and getting back in the saddle. Just in time to spend all my time in the kitchen...
November Poll Results: Doctor, doctor! Give me the (climate) news!
Every month, republicEn asks 3 Questions for the EcoRight to learn more about our community. November's poll was a collaboration with our friends at George Mason University's Center...
Climate Week En Review: December 2, 2022
Welcome back from your Thanksgiving break. "What did you do over Thanksgiving, Chelsea?" I hear you're asking. And I'm here to tell you that for the first time, I got Covid! I started feeling sick...
Climate Week En Review: November 18, 2022
Next week is Thanksgiving! 2022 is moving at such a swift pace, I think I have whiplash. Anyway, knowing you all will be immersed in the holiday spirit, Week En Review will take a break next week...