EcoRight News Blog
A compilation of news from the EcoRight.
Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.
What you need to know today
Two bits of news fill us with renewed hope today. Field trip to Arctic Circle "Climate change is real, the impacts are happening, and we're looking at ways to address it," according to Senate...
Anti-carbon-tax resolution loses steam
In 2013, Rep. Steve Scalise from Louisiana introduced an anti-carbon-tax resolution that earned 155 co-sponsors. While the measure did not get a vote, in 2016 the resolution passed 237-163, but with...
Carbon tax advocate Art Laffer to receive Medal of Freedom
Economist and ardent carbon tax advocate Art Laffer will receive the the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award a citizen can get, President Donald Trump announced last week. "If...
Rotary International leading the way on climate change
Rotary International is a global network of more than one million individuals, including business, professional and community leaders in over 35,000 clubs. Though many local Rotary Clubs are...
Climate Week En Review, June 2, 2019
Bonjour! I am back from vacation and happy to see the EcoRight was active during my absence. I'm going through cheese withdrawal this morning and unfortunately woke up at 4:45am ET, but other than...
Conservative courage
Only three percent of surveyed Americans have faith that the U.S. Congress will act on climate change. Three percent. That's less than the percent of people (five) who think Russia is an ally to the...
What’s in a tree?
Capitalism can solve climate change. Hang with me and read on. Capitalism tends to favor the solution of least cost, which in the case of protecting the environment, you'd presume green and lean is...
Cato Drops Pat Michaels’ Climate Shop
Scott Waldman at E&E news reported yesterday that the libertarian Cato Institute has discontinued a program that downplayed the severity of climate change. The program was shut down after Pat...
Let’s put the conserve back in conservative
I'm a mother. I'm also a conservative. These two things aren't mutually exclusive. What mother hasn't tried to pass down clothing not yet frayed at the knees from older child to younger? What mother...
An endangered species
I'm a conservative. I also "believe" in climate change. In my home state of California, people look at me with disbelief. "How can you be conservative and support action on climate change?" While...
A Climate Schism in The GOP?
With more and more GOP lawmakers recognizing the realities of Climate Change, those who are still in denial are digging in their heels. An action group ironically named the "Energy & Environment...
Republicans must come together on climate change
By now, unless you're living under the proverbial rock, you've probably heard of the Green New Deal. This unrealistic, government growing nod to socialism is getting quite a bit of airtime. And why?...