EcoRight News Blog

A compilation of news from the EcoRight. 

Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.

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What you need to know today

Two bits of news fill us with renewed hope today. Field trip to Arctic Circle "Climate change is real, the impacts are happening, and we're looking at ways to address it," according to Senate...

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Conservative courage

Only three percent of surveyed Americans have faith that the U.S. Congress will act on climate change. Three percent. That's less than the percent of people (five) who think Russia is an ally to the...

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What’s in a tree?

Capitalism can solve climate change. Hang with me and read on. Capitalism tends to favor the solution of least cost, which in the case of protecting the environment, you'd presume green and lean is...

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An endangered species

I'm a conservative. I also "believe" in climate change. In my home state of California, people look at me with disbelief. "How can you be conservative and support action on climate change?" While...

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