EcoRight News Blog
A compilation of news from the EcoRight.
Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.
Pre-Fourth Fireworks
Before you embark upon your Independence Day (week?) festivities, take a moment to catch up with these must reads. First, straight talk from the EcoRight community: Republicans must return to their...
Climate Week En Review June 29, 2018
Bonjour! Oh wait, that was last week. Re-entry was hard but the EcoRight kept me busy, if not a little misty-eyed this week. This week's must read: Two newspapers in significant districts...
Climate jesters (yes, plural)
This week's climate jester designation goes to a slate of House of Representatives candidates in Tennessee trying to out hoaxter each other in a race to the bottom. When climate change came up at a...
#tbt Senator John McCain campaigned on climate record
Senator John McCain earned the label maverick for a number of bold positions, but in EcoRight circles he is most hailed for his original and ongoing work on climate change. In 2003, he teamed up...
House Climate Caucus adds two more
The ever-growing House Climate Solutions Caucus, which added four lawmakers to its ranks last week, added two more members. Kentucky Republican Rep. Brett Guthrie joined delegation mate Rep. John...
Climate Week En Review June 24, 2018
Bonjour! I have reluctantly returned from France, where I was surprised to hear climate change come up at several of the Bordeaux wineries I toured. Late spring frost, intense summer heat waves and...
Climate Jester: Challenging funding for global warming education program
NBC News reported Thursday that four members of the United States Senate requested an investigation of National Science Foundation grants regarding a program that aims to increase climate reporting...
House Climate Solutions Caucus Spotlight: Rep. Jack Bergman
Over the next few months, we will feature profiles on select members of the House Climate Solutions Caucus, the bipartisan, growing gang of Congressional leaders who embrace climate action. Upon...
A New Hope for The EcoRight: Americans For Carbon Dividends
Americans For Carbon Dividends Today was another great day for the EcoRight and another step closer to finding a bipartisan solution to climate change! Great coverage in the New York Times, Wall...
House Climate Solutions Caucus Spotlight: Rep. Mia Love
Over the next few months, we will feature profiles on select members of the House Climate Solutions Caucus, the bipartisan, growing gang of Congressional leaders who embrace climate action. Rep. Mia...
Massachusetts Steps Up on Climate Action
As of yesterday, the House of Representatives in Massachusetts passed a bill that would grant 2.2 billion dollars for climate adaptation and environmental protections. The money will help fund many...
House Climate Solutions Caucus Spotlight: Rep. Carlos Curbelo
Over the next few months, we will feature profiles on select members of the House Climate Solutions Caucus, the bipartisan, growing gang of Congressional leaders who embrace climate action. Rep....