Climate Week En Review: May 19, 2023

Climate Week En Review: May 19, 2023

Another week in the books! You can feel that Big May Energy in the air… schools are wrapping up… the weather is warming… pool season is coming—or here, depending on where you live. But if you’re heading to a Florida beach… you better read...
Climate Week En Review: May 12, 2023

Climate Week En Review: May 12, 2023

Happy Friday! Happy Mother’s Day Weekend! Whether you are a mother (of anything you nurture… humans, plants, animals, books, art) or you know a mother, I wish you a great weekend. This week’s must read: From our Executive Director Bob Inglis comes...
Climate Week En Review: May 5, 2023

Climate Week En Review: May 5, 2023

Yesterday was May the Fourth (be with you). Today is Cinco de Mayo. Saturday is the Kentucky Derby. I *thought* Mothers Day was Sunday but luckily it’s the following weekend so I still have time to get my mom a card in the mail. This week’s must read:...