Climate Week En Review: April 8, 2022

Climate Week En Review: April 8, 2022

Hello and welcome to the end of another week. On my radar: the Capitol Hill fox, who bit nine people before she was trapped and eventually euthanized. While the part of the story where she had rabies makes me sad, I have to admit that I became almost as fixated on her...
Climate Week En Review: April 1, 2022

Climate Week En Review: April 1, 2022

I know what you’re thinking: it’s too early for baseball. But not if you have a high school kid. This week I have been to three games, in the unpredictable yet chilly March weather, so I’m here to say it is officially baseball season in this house....
Climate Week En Review: March 25, 2022

Climate Week En Review: March 25, 2022

Happy Spring! I’m tiptoeing back into my garden, doing some leaf clean up, mulching, and welcoming all the blooming bulbs. I’m eager to see how the native plants to put in the ground last year are going to look now that they are established. Spring is in...