EcoRight News Blog
A compilation of news from the EcoRight.
Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.
Climate Week En Review April 27, 2018
Hey there! Seems like we were just here. Time flies when you're waiting for a carbon tax. This week's must read: Confessions of a former carbon tax skeptic. (Washington Examiner) In this piece by...
Caucus welcomes two more
The House Climate Solutions Caucus gained two more voices with the addition of House Science Committee member Rep. Randy Hultgren of Illinois's 14th district. My state, our nation and our world are...
The EcoRight honors Earth Day
Our Monday gift to you: a snapshot of how a few of our favorite EcoRighters honored Earth Day. Even if you didn't hug a tree, your thoughts and actions make a difference. House Climate Solutions...
Climate Week En Review April 20, 2018
Welcome to Week En Review, Earth Day edition. This morning, I'm thinking about my two favorite eco-places, Maine in summer and Hawaii in winter. But enough about me, on to the EcoRight. This week's...
Curbelo, Love file climate resolution
Two Republican members of the House Climate Solutions Caucus joined two Democrats to introduce a bipartisan resolution acknowledging the impact that climate change is having on outdoor recreation...
Op-ed: Trash dump in the sky
Actually this piece Bob Inglis wrote for the Environmental Law Institute is titled Carbon Tax Shows a Limited Government Role, but the trash theme really resonates. "Emissions are a part of our...
Caucus members push prize bill
New York's Rep. John Faso (R-19) has banded together with fellow House Climate Solutions Caucus member from Illinois, Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-3) to push their legislation, the Challenges and Prizes for...
EcoRight meteorologist feature of documentary
In an episode of the science-focused documentary show Nova, longtime meteorologist, one-time climate skeptic, and friend of Paul Douglas talks about his "weaving faith and science...
Meet the EcoRight: David Rokeach
Last week, spokesperson and active EcoRighter David Rokeach had this insightful op-ed published in the Albany Times Union (and he's co-author with Kelsi Wolever of #Dare2Ask fame on...
Climate Week En Review April 13, 2018
It's Friday the 13th. What could possibly go wrong? This week's must read: Conservative Solutions Exist to Address Climate Change (Albany Times Union) Check out spokesperson David...
Meet emerging EcoRight leader Tyler Gillette
Last week, you probably read this opinion piece our spokesperson Tyler Gillette got published in the Cleveland Plain Dealer calling on Senator Rob Portman to apply his thoughtful negotiation skills...
Climate Week En Review April 6, 2018
We hope you liked our April Fools joke. We are three for three, if we do say so ourselves. We know you're going to be onto us next year! This week's must read: Our spokesperson Tyler Gillette calls...