EcoRight News Blog
A compilation of news from the EcoRight.
Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.
Roundup: EcoRight Responses to SCOTUS Decision
In a ruling issued on June 30th, the Supreme Court limited the authority of the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act. We have gathered the...
EcoRight Speaks: Season Four Finale
We did it! Four seasons of the EcoRight Speaks are in the bag. In this wrap up episode, we highlight some favorites. We had farmers, a meteorologist, an author, a former utility executive and the...
Climate Week En Review: June 24, 2022
Happy Pollinators Week! I hope wherever you are, you are enjoying your summer and remembering to stop and smell the flowers. Or plant some for our pollinating friends! 🌻🌻🌻 This week's must read,...
Climate Week En Review: June 17, 2022
TGIF. This week saw the Boston Celtics lose the NBA championships (but congrats to the Warriors fans out there), the closure of Yellowstone National Park due to extreme flooding, and an internet...
Going “around” with Mayor Brainard
Riding the roundabouts: Our happy hour in Carmel, Indiana was a huge success (make note, Hoosiers, we have two more in this summer series) but the best part was Bob Inglis got to...
EcoRight Speaks, season 4, episode 18: One Green Thing author Heather White
Listeners, this week's episode was special for me to record. One Green Thing, Discover Your Hidden Power to Save the Planet author Heather White and I go way back, first meeting nearly 20 years ago...
Climate Week En Review: June 10, 2022
Hello, gentle readers. Here we are, about halfway through 2022. I know this is going to sound crazy, but there was a point earlier this year when I thought for sure that this would be *the year*...
May Poll Results: Are there other Ashleys out there?
Every month, republicEn asks 3 Questions for the EcoRight to learn more about our community. republicEn member Ashley Z. in New Mexico inspired our May poll. Ashley told us, “I tend to...
Announcing: Our Hoosier Happy Hour Series
Calling all Hoosiers—or anyone in driving distance of these key Indiana outposts. We are hosting a summer happy hour series with our friends at the Indiana Conservative Alliance for Energy and we...
EcoRight Speaks, season 4, episode 17: regenerative agriculture expert and farmer, Dale Strickler
Welcome to another week, another episode of the EcoRight Speaks, this time featuring Dale Strickler, an agronomist for Green Cover Seed, a Kansas rancher, and author of the book The Drought...
Climate Week En Review: June 3, 2022
As you're reading this, I will be at my son's high school graduation. As long time readers will recall, my older son didn't get a graduation in 2020 when our area was in lockdown, so this one feels...
EcoRight Speaks, season 4, episode 16: Constellation Energy CEO Joe Dominguez
This week, I am joined in conversation by Joe Dominguez, the CEO of Constellation Energy, the nation’s largest producer of carbon-free energy. As CEO, Dominguez oversees Constellation’s clean energy...