EcoRight News Blog
A compilation of news from the EcoRight.
Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.
DeSantis seeking Chief Resilience Officer
In a shift from the previous administration, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who last month appointed a Chief Science Officer, announced he is now seeking a Chief Resilience Officer. The job will...
Climate Week En Review, May 3, 2019
We are only entering May and I had to turn the AC on for the first time last night. Wake me up when it's October. #wintergirl This week's must read: In a switch, some Republicans start citing...
Sen. Cassidy: Louisiana is “very awakened” to climate crisis
For the first time, a Republican joined Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse for his regular climate change floor speech series, "Time to Wake Up." Senator Bill Cassidy, whose state of Louisiana...
Why Rooney Leads: republicEn takes a climate field trip to Keewaydin Island
In early April, republicEn and partners packed to capacity our Pure Florida pontoon boat with scientists, constituents, and press to join Southwest Florida's Rep. Francis Rooney on a study tour of...
Rep. Simpson: “I’ll fight climate change if I want”
Idaho's Rep. Mike Simpson called climate change "a reality" at a conference in Boise last week. "It's not hard to figure out," he said. "Go look at your thermometer." In his speech, he called salmon...
Just another Manic Monday (what we’re reading)
Bleary eyed from the late and emotional punch from Game of Thrones? (I'm not crying, you're crying...) What better way to get back to reality than to check out what non-GOT news the EcoRight is...
Climate Week En Review, April 26, 2019
Happy belated Earth Day! We hope you took our popular ?? EcoRight Superhero Quiz ??Be sure to share who you gotI was Katharine Hayhoe, I think less because I'm a science wonk and more because I...
Caucus to decide parameters
Rep. Francis Rooney, who assumed the GOP side of the helm of the bipartisan House Climate Solutions Caucus, told Bloomberg Environment (as reported by The Hill) he and his co-captain and delegate...
Twitter fun on Earth Day
I know, Twitter and fun in the same sentence is an oxymoron. But there were some posts that made us proud and others that made us laugh. Former Ohio Governor John Kasich led with inspiration: On...
Earth Day reads
Happy Earth Day! We hope you took our EcoRight Superhero Quiz (be sure to share who you got) and that you're spending some time outdoors. In case you're stuck inside, here are some good reads to...
Climate Week En Review April 19, 2019
There might have been some other big news on your radar this week (don't spoil Game of Thrones for me, please) but never underestimate the EcoRight's presence and determination to do good. But...
Microsoft joins Climate Leadership Council
Microsoft Corps is the latest corporation to join the Climate Leadership Council (CLC), the conservative-backed group supporting the carbon dividend plan devised by former Secretaries of State James...