EcoRight News Blog
A compilation of news from the EcoRight.
Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.
Graves to lead special climate committee
Louisiana's Rep. Garret Graves will serve as the ranking member of the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis. He and Florida's Rep. Francis Rooney had both requested appointment to the highest...
Kasich: “You can’t just be a science denier”
Former Ohio Governor John Kasich thinks its time for Republicans to stop being the party of climate change denial and to start formulating policy solutions, according to a speech he plans to deliver...
Monday climate jesters
We hate to start the week off on a bad note, but some things just can't be helped. This week's early favorite for co-climate jesters are: Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy. The previous state...
Climate Week En Review, February 22, 2019
Happy belated to President Abraham Lincoln, who in his day signed a bill establishing protection over the area that is now Yosemite National Park! Looking good for 210 years old: This week's must...
Perspectives: the Green New Deal
Thanks to those who have emailed to ask our perspective on the Green New Deal. We think this Time magazine article as quoted by Bob Inglis best summarizes our thoughts at
More economists weigh in
An economist from nearly every major university in the U.S., nearly 3300 of them, endorsed the Baker-Shultz Carbon Dividend Plan. Last month, 45 leaders in economic policy published a statement in...
Climate Week En Review, February 15, 2019
Finally, the finish line is in sight for the week that would not end. But on the plus side, it feels like the tide on climate denialism is shifting. Read on. This week's must read: Our friend...
Murkowski: “we can find some common ground”
Addressing the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, Alaskan Senator Lisa Murkowski said she disagrees with those who say "there is no way we can figure things out in energy...
Science returns to House Science Committee
The House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology held its first climate change hearing of the year, a week after the Energy and Commerce and the Natural Resources committees held their own...
Florida: the EcoRight State
Florida jumped the EcoRight fold this week when former Rep. Carlos Curbelo penned the op-ed, We cannot run from climate change, especially not the GOP. (Real Clear Politics) "I am one of a small but...
Climate Week En Review, February 8, 2019
Hello! At press time, I will be exploring the wonderful world of Harry Potter (nerd alert). The EcoRight made its own magic this week. via GIPHY This week's must read: Concern about climate change...
Gov. Baker: climate impacts “real”
Testifying on Capitol Hill today, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, a Republican, urged the federal government to take climate action. "We understand the science and know the impacts are real...