Going “around” with Mayor Brainard

Going “around” with Mayor Brainard

Riding the roundabouts: Our happy hour in Carmel, Indiana was a huge success (make note, Hoosiers, we have two more in this summer series) but the best part was Bob Inglis got to meet Mayor Jim Brainard, a guest speaker at the event. Unprogrammed, the...
Climate Week En Review: June 10, 2022

Climate Week En Review: June 10, 2022

Hello, gentle readers. Here we are, about halfway through 2022. I know this is going to sound crazy, but there was a point earlier this year when I thought for sure that this would be *the year* that we’d get a carbon tax passed. Silly me. Back to work. This...
Announcing: Our Hoosier Happy Hour Series

Announcing: Our Hoosier Happy Hour Series

Calling all Hoosiers—or anyone in driving distance of these key Indiana outposts. We are hosting a summer happy hour series with our friends at the Indiana Conservative Alliance for Energy and we want to invite you to attend. The dates: June 15: Carmel, IN July 20:...