Climate Week En Review: June 3, 2022

Climate Week En Review: June 3, 2022

As you’re reading this, I will be at my son’s high school graduation. As long time readers will recall, my older son didn’t get a graduation in 2020 when our area was in lockdown, so this one feels extra meaningful to me. Whether you’re...
Climate Week En Review: May 27, 2022

Climate Week En Review: May 27, 2022

Memorial Day Weekend! Who can taste the corn on the grill? Do you have a favorite BBQ staple? Lately, I’ve been very into Impossible Burgers with a spicy rub. Delicious. Whatever your weekend holds, have fun, eat well, and be safe. 🌭🍔🍦 Quote of the week: “We...
Climate Week En Review: May 20, 2022

Climate Week En Review: May 20, 2022

TGIF… are the weeks getting longer? Sometimes it feels like they are. On the other hand, time is flying, with my younger son about to graduate in just two weeks (!!!). Good thing the EcoRight is here to ground me and Week En Review to anchor my week! This...