EcoRight News Blog
A compilation of news from the EcoRight.
Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.
Climate Week En Review, September 13, 2019
Friday the 13th and the full moon and my baby turns 18 on Sunday... all things collide this busy, busy week! This week's must read: If you're EcoRight, you know and love him as a most steadfast...
Tuesday Twitter finds
We love Twitter. We hate Twitter. Okay, I mostly hate Twitter. But it can really make your day when you read a great tweet. I believe climate change is real. I believe that human emissions of...
The weekend’s riveting reads
The past weekend included some colorful reading that I feel compelled to share with you: Former California governor and terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger writes: Trump can't erase a decade of clean...
Arizona governor: we can grow economy, improve environment
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey acknowledged that human activity contributes to climate change, a shift from his previous stance. "Humans are part of the earth, the environment and the ecosystem," he...
Climate Week En Review, September 6, 2019
And here we are again. Hope you rocked out this shortened week and have caught up on your beauty sleep after that seven-hour climate "debate" on Wednesday. This week's must read: Power Up: Why...
Rep. John Curtis: “the climate’s changing”
Utah Rep. John Curtis, who joined for a nature hike and climate science chat last summer, held a town hall meeting in Springfield at which climate change was a topic of discussion....
Climate Week En Review, August 30, 2019
What are your plans for Labor Day weekend? I'm planning on yard work, reading, and the pool. A stress fracture kicked "run 16 miles" off the to do list. Can you tell I'm broken up about it? Also,...
Member Spotlight: Stephen’s letter to Rep. Loudermilk
Sometimes our republicEn members take actions that are so outstanding, we've got to share it with the community. Earlier this month, republicEn member Stephen K. of Woodstock, GA wrote a letter to...
Romney: we must “dramatically reduce our emissions”
In this week' s must listen, Utah Senator Mitt Romney, who recently has left the door open to supporting a carbon tax, talked to KCPW radio host Roger McDonough about his views on climate change....
Climate Week En Review, August 23, 2019
Happy Friday! Unrelated to the topic at hand is that today is the 30th anniversary of the Baltic Way, a peaceful protest held by my motherland of Latvia and sister countries Lithuania and Estonia....
Meet the EcoRight: Jacob Abel in North Carolina
Meet the #EcoRight! In this series, we profile republicEn members across the country: conservatives, libertarians, and independent thinkers who recognize the seriousness of climate change and...
Romney lauds carbon tax
Utah Senator Mitt Romney, who earlier this year indicated he was assembling a group of GOP Senators interested in working on climate change solutions, said in a speech on Monday that climate change...