EcoRight News Blog
A compilation of news from the EcoRight.
Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.
Climate Week En Review, June 21, 2019
Happy first day of summer! I'll be dodging thunderstorms as we move from pool to baseball field to finally, 24 hours of R&R on the shore. This week's must read: We are proud and thrilled that...
EcoRight Wednesday Reads
We are proud and thrilled that our spokesperson John Sweeney appears in the National Review for his essay, Could a revenue-neural carbon tax be the first step to fight climate change? "Despite the...
Senators drop federal efficiency bill
Six lawmakers, three Republicans and three Democrats, teamed up to introduce a bill to improve energy and water efficiency in federal buildings. The Federal Energy and Water Management Performance...
House climate caucus to convene
The House Climate Solutions Caucus, which at its height last year swelled to 90 members, 45 from each political party, is set to reconvene under new Republican leadership and with smaller ranks. The...
Pope Francis: “time is running out”
On Friday, Pope Francis addressed oil company executives, telling them that climate change "threatens the very future" of humanity, adding that the "doomsday predictions" can no longer be dismissed....
Climate Week En Review, June 14, 2019
????Happy Flag Day, America! ????Also, a shout out in advance of Fathers Day to all the dads out there. What an exciting week, which kicked off with an EcoRight family reunion at the Citizens...
Sen. Portman introduces climate bill
Ohio Senator Rob. Portman joined Colorado Democratic Senator Michael Bennet to introduce The Carbon Capture Improvement Act, a bill to make it easier for power plants and industrial facilities to...
Younger generations care, but do they act
According to a report conducted by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication, nearly three-quarters of Millennials say...
White House stifled climate testimony
The White House tried to muzzle a State Department official from discussing climate science in his testimony last week, according to the Washington Post. "Climate change effects could undermine...
Lipinski, Fortenberry introduce bipartisan climate bill
Reps. Dan Lipinski (D-IL) and Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) have reintroduced the Challenges and Prizes for Climate Act of 2019 to spur innovation in key areas critical to combating climate change. The...
Climate Week En Review, June 7, 2019
Happy Friday, EcoRight! We are already looking forward to next week, when several of our own from across the country will be in DC. Can you say EcoRight Family Reunion? In the meantime, this week's...
House intelligence committee hears climate testimony
On Wednesday, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence convened a hearing to examine the national security implications of climate change. "Climate change effects could undermine...