EcoRight News Blog
A compilation of news from the EcoRight.
Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.
Climate Week En Review, May 24, 2019
Bonjour! By now, I should be on my vacation. But it was important to me that you keep up with the EcoRight while I'm gone! So here you go... This week's must watch: You've read our accounts of the...
Gov. Mark Gordon, welcome to the EcoRight
Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon might not know it yet, but he's EcoRight. "Wyoming has the solutions for our climate," he said in conversation with the University of Wyoming's Board of Trustees on...
Senate GOP to drop bills this week
Responding to what appears to be pressure from the Green New Deal and increasing calls to act, Senate Republicans are expected to introduce a series of bills this week intended to respond to the...
Winter is over: Monday reads
Happy Monday! Take a break from the GoT recaps to check out what we're reading today. Oil giants BP and Shell pledge $1 million each to Republican-backed carbon tax (Washington Examiner) "The two...
Climate Week En Review, May 17, 2019
Hey, hey, hey! Such a big week and I'm not even talking about the penultimate Game of Thrones episode. Message me if you want my theorieson the show and the story arc of the EcoRight. This week's...
Sen. Cornyn: “days of ignoring” climate change over
Texas Senator John Cornyn joined the growing chorus of conservative lawmakers calling for action on climate change. "There is a growing consensus the days of ignoring this issue are over," he said....
Carbon tax hearing highlights
We're still unpacking gems from yesterday's House Ways and Means Committee carbon tax hearing. While there is still an uphill climb to get more buy-in on a carbon tax, there's also been a shift in...
Ways and Means holds climate hearingwithout Curbelo
Today, the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over U.S. tax policy, held its first climate change hearing, but didn't invite one of the carbon tax's most outspoken...
Carter: I take climate change seriously”
"Climate change is real. The climate has been changing since day one," Georgia Rep. Buddy Carter said at a recent meeting with the Golden Isles Republican Women. "We've seen it through history, we...
Curbleo invited/uninvited to testify at hearing
Former Florida Rep. Carlos Curbelo, who once served on the House Ways and Means Committee and was an advocate for a carbon tax, was invited to testify at that committee's first climate change...
Climate Week En Review, May 10, 2019
Hello! I come to you only slightly recovered from volunteering on the campaign for the non-partisan mayor's race (you know how I love mayors) held in my town on Monday. My candidate won, and I won...
DeSantis seeking Chief Resilience Officer
In a shift from the previous administration, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who last month appointed a Chief Science Officer, announced he is now seeking a Chief Resilience Officer. The job will...