EcoRight News Blog
A compilation of news from the EcoRight.
Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.
A climate discovery hike with Congressman John Curtis
It was a good day to be a republicEn in Utah. We spent the morning with U.S. Representative John Curtis (R-UT3), exploring the visible climate change impacts affecting Utah Valley. We dreamt up this...
Climate Week En Review, August 10, 2018
This week's edition of Climate Week En Review is brought to you by my cat Fluffy, proud member of the EcoRight and firm believer that laps are not for laptops but for her leisure. This week's must...
Majority favors carbon tax
Sixty-eight percent of Americans, including majorities in all 50 states and all 435 Congressional Districts support requiring fossil fuel companies to pay a carbon tax and using the money to reduce...
Sen. Tillis shifts position on climate change
Citing rising concerns from national security experts and uncertainty for business interests, North Carolina's Sen. Thom Tillis said in a recent Spectrum News interview "there are a lot of reasons"...
Climate Week En Review, August 3, 2018
Happy Friday, EcoRight. Last weekend, I survived my high school reunion, where we tested whether we'd retain memories of an event even if exactly zero people posted pictures to social media using...
Alaska’s draft climate plan includes carbon tax
Alaska's draft climate change plan includes a recommendation the state implement a statewide carbon tax while also supporting a national tax on carbon. The draft plan is being prepared by Gov. Bill...
New science advisor earns praise
After a more than 560-day vacancy, President Donald Trump announced his pick for White House science advisor. Meteorologist and former vice-chair of the governing board of the U.S. National Science...
Businesses thank Curbelo
A group of prominent businesses ranging from BP to Campbell Soup, IKEA to GM sent Rep. Carlos Curbelo and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick a letter outlining their support for a market-based approach to...
Climate Week En Review July 27, 2018
This week can be summed up In the words of Rep. Carlos Curbelo, "Every journey begins with a first step." This week's must read: A conservative case for a carbon tax by Brad Polumbo (Washington...
Lawmakers urge Mattis to acknowledge climate impacts
More than 40 lawmakers sent a letter to Defense Secretary James Mattis asking him to keep intact mentions of climate change in Department of Defense reports and also to ensure that strategic defense...
Spotlight on Market Choice Act, champion Curbelo
On Monday, for the first time in nearly ten years, GOP members introduced a climate solutions bill. Amid a rising sense of climate urgency and increasingly partisan rancor, Rep. Carlos Curbelo...
Curbelo details carbon tax bill
At a press conference at the National Press Club, Rep. Carlos Curbelo unveiled his long-awaited carbon tax bill. The Modernizing America with Rebuilding to Kick-Start the Economy of the Twenty-first...