EcoRight News Blog
A compilation of news from the EcoRight.
Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.
Climate Week En Review: September 9, 2022
I'm back... Maine really showed off with bright blue skies, cool evenings, and the best dessert concoction I've ever tried. "Pie cones" (no, not PINE cones) are a waffle cone with pie and ice cream...
EcoRight Speaks, season 5, episode 6: Daniel Poynter, founder of Carbon Neutral Indiana
Our most recent guest comes to us via the Hoosier State, where we have co-hosted a series of happy hours this summer with Kayce Crane and the Indiana Conservative Energy Alliance. Daniel Poynter is...
Climate Week En Review: August 26, 2022
Coastal breezes. Lobster rolls. Ice cream. Daytime temps in the 70s and evenings down to the 50s. Maine's motto—the way life should be—feels especially appropriate in the summer. Which I why I'm...
EcoRight Speaks, season 5, episode 5: former RI Rep. Claudine Schneider
This week, I spoke with former Rhode Island Congresswoman Claudine Schneider, who was elected as a Republican to the 97th Congress and was re-elected to the four succeeding Congresses, serving from...
Climate Week En Review: August 19, 2022
Here we are again, friends! For those who are counting, I'm a week closer to Operation Daily Lobster Roll. Except I was dismayed to come across below's must read... This week's must read: Think...
#EcoRight in the Rockies: The Carbon Debt
As conservatives, we care about debt. As of August 2022, the national debt stands in excess of 30 trillion dollars. That equates to 128% of annual GDP. It’s sickening to consider our children...
EcoRight Speaks, season 5, episode 4: Braver Angels Beth Malow and Bruce Morlan
This week's guests, Beth Malow and Bruce Morlan, are both passionate about climate change and passionate about civil discourse in this country. One of them identifies as liberal and the other as...
Climate Week En Review: August 12, 2022
Happy Friday! What a strange and fast week it has been. On Sunday, the U.S. Senate passed by party line vote a budget reconciliation bill that would invest about $370 billion in activities related...
Rep. John Curtis’s six-point plan for reducing carbon emissions
Last week, at a presentation before The Sutherland Institute in Salt Lake City, Utah Rep. John Curtis issued his six-point plan for dealing with climate change. “For good or bad, I’m the elephant in...
EcoRight Speaks, season 5, episode 4: Horse racing expert Mark Midland
There are so many climate impacts we don’t even know how to address. Sure, most of us have recently experienced a heat wave. More and more of us are experiencing extreme weather or more intense...
Climate Week En Review: August 5, 2022
And like that, summer is practically gone. But August in the DC Metro area is usually quite peaceful (except for last night, when thunderstorms raged across the area), with most of the lawmakers out...
Talking climate change in Idaho and Washington state
With significant social media running in the 5th Congressional District in Washington and in Idaho, we poured it on with on-the-ground events. In eastern Washington I learned from...