EcoRight News Blog
A compilation of news from the EcoRight.
Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.
Climate Week En Review: October 15, 2021
Hello, happy Ides of October. (Is that a thing? I didn't look it up.) Anyway, here we are in the middle of the month already, with Thanksgiving and Christmas within sight. By next week, I will be...
On Biscayne Bay with U.S. Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar
What happens on the land ends up in the Bay — and the Bay on the land. U.S. Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL27) joined us for a “field trip” on Biscayne Bay to learn about local climate impacts. She...
EcoRight Speaks, season 3, episode 12: High Schoolers for Carbon Dividends
This week's featured guests are two of the co-founders of High Schoolers for Carbon Dividends (HS4CD). You may have heard of Students for Carbon Dividends; they are close friends of ours and we have...
Climate Week En Review: October 9, 2021
Hello! Can you tell I'm in a good mood? That's because as you read this, I'm on the other side of the country for an outdoor (mostly) weekend with vaccinated friends I haven't seen in over two...
EcoRight Speaks, season 3, episode 11: former NJ Gov. Christie Todd Whitman
I am so thrilled to bring you our first governor to appear on the show, former New Jersey Governor and Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, Christine Todd Whitman. Governor Whitman...
Climate Week En Review: October 1, 2021
Happy October! Fall! Spooky season! Sleeping with the windows open! Whatever your pleasure, I hope you enjoy the changing seasons! This week's must read: To combat the warming climate, Americans...
EcoRight Speaks, season 3, episode 10: Rob Sisson
I have been eager to bring this week's guest to the show to talk about how hunters and anglers feel about climate change. In the end, we talked about so much more. Welcome to the show this week our...
Climate Week En Review: September 24, 2021
Hello, EcoRight Superstars. I hope everyone enjoyed National Clean Energy Week, the fall equinox, and the harvest moon. This week's must read: The Future of Conservative Climate Leadership (National...
EcoRight Speaks, season 3, episode 9: Larry Linenschmidt
Today, I’m pleased to welcome to the show a good friend of the podcast and stellar member of the EcoRight, Larry Linenschmidt, who runs the Hill Country Institute, a resource for Christians...
Climate Week En Review: September 17, 2021
Hello! It's Friday, in case you hadn't noticed or been counting down. It was my 20th anniversary of motherhood this week and, more relevant to this conversation, there is big talk of a carbon tax in...
EcoRight Speaks, Season 3, episode 8: ideas man, Nick Huey
Today, I’m pleased to bring you my conversation with my favorite ideas man, Nick Huey. Nick hails from Utah and was a guest on this show early in season one, where he appeared with Rep. John Curtis....
Climate Week En Review: September 10, 2021
Too soon for fall imagery? Hey, pumpkin spiced everything is in the shops, so I say bring on the golden hues of autumn. We deserve it after the hottest summer in the U.S. since the Dust Bowl in...