EcoRight News Blog
A compilation of news from the EcoRight.
Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.
EcoRight Speaks, episode 21: unpacking the election
In a shift from our usual programming, we decided to bring you our raw reactions to Election Day (well, what we knew at time of recording at lunch on Wednesday, November 4th). So, without further...
The EcoRight Votes!
It's Election Day! The EcoRight is making it count. Are you an EcoRight Voter? Take a selfie and post it on social media with the hashtag #EcoRightVoter.Alison in Pittsburgh, PATom in Park City,...
Climate Week En Review: October 30, 2020
It's Halloween Eve! 🎃 I imagine your trick or treating plan will look a little different this year. I already bought our house bags of the favorite candies, which may serve as dinner in the nights...
Welcome to our 20th episode of the EcoRight Speaks!
Welcome to our 20th episode! We are thrilled to bring you this monumental episode with Florida Rep. Francis Rooney. Mr. Rooney has represented the 19th Congressional District for two terms and he's...
Climate Week En Review, October 23, 2020
Welcome back, readers! You made it through another week. What's your secret? If you have a favorite comfort food that gets you through times of stress, let us know! 🗳 Rock the vote: Have you taken...
EcoRight Speaks, episode 19, national security expert Andrew Holland
I had so much fun hosting Andrew Holland, the Chief Operations Officer at the American Security Project, a nonpartisan organization created about 15 years ago to educate the American public and the...
Conservative lawmakers see climate impacts at Upstate S.C. “field trip”
A beautiful fall morning greeted us upon arrival at the South Carolina Botanical Garden on the campus of Clemson University last Friday. I pulled into the back parking lot around 10:15 am, excited...
Climate Week En Review, October 16, 2020
Hello and happy Friday! Once again, we had a week where the voices of the next generation of leaders rang out loud and clear. I don't know about you, but I find them inspiring. But first... The...
Update: Global Warming’s Six Americas
In the latest update to the Global Warming's Six Americas project co-led by the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication and the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication,...
EcoRight Speaks, episode 18: E&E Daily reporter Evan Lehmann
As we inch toward our 20th (!!!) episode, we remain thrilled to bring you a wide range of voices in the climate arena. Today is no exception. I was happy to welcome to the podcast Climatewire editor...
Climate Week En Review, October 9, 2020
News? What news? Okay, I get it. We are inundated with news. If you're like me, you have scores of email alerts awaiting your attention on the regular. But I hope my weekly EcoRight update leaves...
Gen Z seeking more climate action
It's no surprise surveys consisently show Gen Z is very pro-climate action. This generation has no partisan divide when it comes to acting on climate, even if it does envision the solutions in a...