EcoRight News Blog
A compilation of news from the EcoRight.
Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.
EcoRight Speaks, episode seventeen: Utah Rep. John Curtis
Utah Rep. John Curtis was on the top of my list of current lawmakers to feature on the podcast, so I am particularly thrilled to bring you this conversation, co-hosted by our spokesperson and...
Climate Week En Review, October 2, 2020
Hello, October! It's officially sweater weather, which makes me happy. What else makes me happy? Great guests. Great community. Great stews. And seeing our EcoRight friends make news. (Yes, I know,...
New report details carbon pricing advantages
The Climate Leadership Council released a new report which demonstrate that the U.S. can leverage its carbon advantage to increase competitiveness, drive domestic manufacturing, and reduce reliance...
EcoRight Speaks, Episode 16: CCLers Jim Tolbert and Kelsey Grant
Sweet Sixteen! Every week after we wrap an episode, I have immediate panic that we won't be able to do it again. It's that same feeling—back when we used to be able to have parties—that either not...
Climate Week En Review, September 25, 2020
Here we go again... it's Friday! I'm happy to report that there was much EcoRight activity this week. From our spokespeople to our podcast to National Clean Energy Week, there was a buzz in the air....
EcoRight Speaks, Episode 15: Former Congressman Ryan Costello
I'm a planner. I like to know who next week's guest is and what I'm making for dinner a week ahead of time. But life throws loops so when today's expected guest turned ill last week, we bumped up...
Climate Week En Review, September 18, 2020
It's Friday, the third best day of the week and my favorite work day, not just because the weekend is near, but because it means I get to bring you the week's top EcoRight climate news. National...
Business Roundtable endorses carbon pricing
The Business Roundtable, a trade association comprised of some of the U.S.'s biggest and most influential companies, announced its support for "well-designed market-based mechanism and other...
EcoRight Speaks, Episode 14: Judge Gary Clary
Hello, friends! It's showtime! It was a great joy to feature a prominent EcoRighter, retired judge, and current South Carolina House member Rep. Gary Clary on the podcast. While of course he and Bob...
Climate Week En Review, September 11, 2020
It's hard to believe that today is the 19th anniversary of 9/11, a day I still remember so clearly. Hug your loved ones and remember the kindness we exhibited toward each other on this tragic day....
Lucky 13! EcoRight Speaks features Josh Siegel, Holly Raschein
I am not superstitious. Okay, yes I am. But it would have been weird to take a hotel floor numbering approach to this podcast and try to tell you this is episode 14 when we all know it's lucky 13....
Remembering Ted Halstead
Hearts are heavy at team upon learning of the untimely death of Climate Leadership Council founder and CEO Ted Halstead, who died in a hiking accident last week. From his TED talk in...