EcoRight News Blog
A compilation of news from the EcoRight.
Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.
EcoRight Speaks, Episode Eight: Kiera O’Brien and Alex Posner
On Tuesdays, we drop podcast episodes! (A prize for whoever gets the reference...) Anyone who is worried about the future of America can rest easy knowing that Kiera O'Brien and Alex Posner are...
Climate Week En Review, July 31, 2020
Last. Day. Of. July. Also known as: eight days until my baby leaves for college. I'm not crying, you're crying. Okay. I'm crying. But for real... there was some EcoRight activity this week! While we...
Students for Carbon Dividends organizes student government leaders
Today, Students for Carbon Dividends announced that more than 350 student government groups from colleges and universities in all 50 states, representing more than four million students, signed onto...
EcoRight Speaks, Episode Seven: Martha Newall-Kinsman
The latest episode of EcoRight Speaks is live and read for your ears on your favorite podcast platform. If you listen on Apple Podcasts, don't forget to give us a 5-star review. When I get 100...
Climate Week En Review: July 24, 2020
It's hot. There's not much else to say. I'm self quarantining to keep away from melting temperatures. I had hoped to get a weather reprieve (and lobster) by driving up to Maine in August, but their...
EcoRight Speaks, Episode Six: Dr. C. Lindsay Linsky
Welcome to episode six of the EcoRight Speaks podcast. My dream is to become your must listen, that podcast that you wake up Tuesday morning eager to hit the start button on. My other dream is to...
Climate Week En Review: July 17, 2020
Who's hot and fantasizing about snow cover? Even after breaking the streak of 20 consecutive days of 90 degrees or higher (86 degrees is so much cooler) the DC metro area is officially melting. I...
EcoRight Speaks, Episode Five: Sarah Hunt
Episode Five of EcoRIght Speaks is live and available on your favorite podcast platform. Don't forget to subscribe and if you listen on Apple, drop us a five-star rating. There's a rumor that our...
Op-ed: Carbon dividends is Utah’s pro-business climate solution
The mayor of Heber City, Utah, Kelleen Potter, was joined by Bill Rappleye, president and CEO of the Draper Area Chamber of Commerce and Dallin Koecher, the executive director of the Heber Valley...
Climate Week En Review, July 10, 2020
Hey folks! Here we are again! Thanks to all of you who have offered to appear on the podcast! I'm working my way through my inbox and will be in touch, I promise! Yes to clean energy: Even amid the...
EcoRight Speaks, Episode Four: John Sweeney
It's Tuesday, which must mean it's podcast drop day! The latest episode is LIVE on all your favorite ways to listen to podcasts. For today's episode, I was joined by John Sweeney, one of our most...
Climate Week En Review, July 3, 2020
🎆Happy Independence Day!🎆 We'll keep it short so you can get on with your holiday weekend. This week's must listen: In our third episode of the EcoRight Speaks, I'm joined by special guest, friend...